Chapter 33

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The awesome picture you can see with this chapter is by the talented @AshleeLDevlin!
You can check out more of her works on DeviantArt:

Previously on 'Someone please punch Bree in the face' (trying out a new title, what do you think?) :
Bree finally comes back with two bad news:
1) She's still alive. (Not a problem, a bunch of readers apparently know just how to fix this.)
2) Anselm was badly burned and broke his leg.
Right before he passes out, though, he gives Hailey a mysterious, worn velvet pouch and three words "Go to Sperodyfis".
Chapter 33

I left Anselm to the care of the healers as I was only getting in their way by staying at his side, and went towards Chase, who was standing a few steps away.

"What did he want?" He asked, worry evident in his eyes.

I showed him the small pouch and untied the string that kept it closed. A silver key fell into my hand. The handle's intricate design resembled a flurry of feathers which assembled to form a frame around a butterfly-shaped, bright blue gemstone.

"Wow. What is it a key to?" Chase asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know, but it's important. Anselm told me to go to Sperodyfis."

Chase nodded. "If we can find answers somewhere, it'll be there."

"What is this place anyway? I mean I know that boy in the robes with the peryton -Esmond, was it?- came from there, and Aiden told me it was 'cool,' whatever that means, but that's about it."

"It's more that just 'cool,' believe me, and I'll explain everything later, but first Bree needs to hear about this." He looked around us, searching for her telltale red hair. "It's weird to think that with Anselm hurt and all the other officials away with the king, she's actually the one in charge of everything, now."

I raised an eyebrow. "She is? That's a scary thought."

"Hey, be nice. It can't be easy to have so much responsibility at just eighteen. Plus, I know she is beating herself up about letting Anselm get hurt. She tries not to show it, but I've been her second in command long enough to know."

"Hm," I grunted in acknowledgment, but my opinion of her wasn't going to improve much just because she felt bad about what happened to Anselm, especially after she called him an 'old geezer.'

Chase caught her attention and signaled for her to come see us with a jerk of his head.

"What is it? Please don't waste my time with anything stupid, I have stuff to do," She snapped. Still, with what Chase had just told me in mind, I was able to detect a note of stress which didn't go with her usual holier-than-thou attitude.

I retold what had happened with Anselm and showed Bree the key.

"I've never actually been to Sperodyfis," she said, "but from what I've heard, everything will make much more sense if you just go there."

Chase was in agreement, and so was Autumn, who had just joined us.

"Obviously," Bree mused, "Hailey, you must go, as the princess and person to whom Anselm entrusted the key." Then she paused. "Unless, of course, you're too scared to undertake such a journey. After all, there won't be any five stars hotels on the way there."

I glared at her. "I'll be just fine, thank you."

"Okay, if you say so." Bree shrugged. "Whatever you may say, you have to admit that if you went alone you'd get lost or, best case scenario, die."

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