Chapter 1-Field Trip!

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Chapter One

I was fidgeting in my seat. I had forgotten my permission slip. That permission slip was the most important thing of the year, my last field trip of my school related life. It was senior year and all seniors were looking forward to it. It was a party boat. A god damn party boat and I was expected to be the life of that party. I mean, I was the joker of the class and the best part was that I was a girl so it wouldn’t cause much trouble. C’mon, everyone knows that when you're a girl that has good grades but pokes fun at some things, you’re off the hook. It’s a natural fact. I get good grades, I’m popular, I’m funny, and hell, I’m fun to hang out with.

I mean I’m not one of those gorgeous cheerleaders who are the sluts of the school. I’m one of those girls who use sarcasm on everything, but not too much to make me a goth. I’m one of those girls who torment people with my words but not too much to make me a bitch. I’m one of those girls that uses guys but not too much to make me a slut. I’m one of those girls who is really smart but not too much to make me a nerd. I’m one of those girls who thinks she’s pretty but not too much to make me self-absorbed. I’m one of those girls who has so many friends from different cliques but not too much to make me a fame leecher. Honestly, I was in the perfect position.

I was mostly friends with the cheerleaders. Even though I wasn’t one and sucked at sports, I was really preppy enough to get in their group. They weren’t complete bitches like you would think but all the other stereotypes were true. They were kind of tall, complained about breaking a nail, looked down on certain people, and they kind of showed signs of borderline anorexia.

I looked around the room and saw everyone talking about the trip. I’m not gonna get to go. I’m gonna have to stay at home on Friday and watch Gilmore Girls with my great-aunt Helen. I’m gonna be a loner.

No. I’m going alright. I raise my hand and Mr. Rob glances at me.

“Yes Amelia?” Mr. Rob says with his eyebrow slightly raised.

“I forgot my permission slip in my locker. May I go and get it?” I say in the sweetest voice that I could muster. He nods and tells me to hurry back soon but I barely hear him with the rush of anxiety running through my veins. I rush down the halls, praying that some nerd would come my way. Fortunately, God answers my prayers.

A frail nerd, I think his name was Parker, comes my way, reading a book and not even looking at where he was going. He was actually good looking and dated one of the cheerleaders. At my school, the cheerleaders actually do date nerds. Sometimes using them but sometimes it’s a real relationship.He was a senior so this would be easy. I put myself in his path and I clear my throat which makes him look up.

“Hi Parker. It’s Parker, right?” I give him my fakest smile and he gives me a smile as his cheeks start to glow pink like rose bushes.

“Well hi Parker. I have problem. If I tell you my problem, will you help me with it?” I bat my eyelashes and as he’s staring down at his feet, I take the time to grab his hand but not before sliding my hand down his shoulder. I pull him in close and whisper seductively in his ear. “Pretty please?”

He nods and his breathing starts to grow heavy. I put my arms over his shoulders and push him closer, making us centimeters apart. “I forgot my permission slip at home and well, I kind of want to go on the trip. Is there anyway I could have yours?”

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