Chapter Thirty

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My body was stiff with pain, but it wasn't a physical type of pain. It was deep, deeper than the flesh. It went down through my entire being and cut long, sorrowful lines into my soul. When this wound bled, it spilled ice into my veins.

I made it through the halls blindly, finding a random study before hot tears brimmed over my eyelids and down my cheeks in rivulets. I collapsed onto my knees beside a table, unable to breathe properly anymore. I held my hands up, hiding my face behind them, and began to sob mournfully.

I was heartbroken. That was the only way I could describe it. I was in love and I considered those I loved to be everything to me. I couldn't live without them. It was a fact, as proven when deprived of their touch too long in Theo's company. But it wasn't their mystical touch that mattered to me. Even without such magic, I wouldn't want to live without them.

And yet, I'd been scolded for disobedience. I'd been put in my place. And not a single one of them said a word against the insinuations. I was just a pet; one that would only be tolerated for as long as I obeyed. I felt betrayed.

I wept for my broken heart and for the future pain I'd put it through. There was only one option for me. I couldn't condemn Theo to kill me. It was as clear as the anger on his face that he'd prefer not to. I'd have to agree to continue being a pet. And maybe, I could pretend... I could pretend...

Another sob tore through me, renewed continuously by my rapid thoughts. My mind caught on darker thoughts, imagining a life without the others and recalling Sebastian's harsh words repeatedly. Grievous cries only deepened, until I thought I might melt into a puddle of mournful agony.

I was abruptly pulled from the floor and into a pair of strong, warm arms. My cries were strangled as soft hands held me against a familiar chest. My body hardened with initial distrust, the tears only streaming with renewed vigor.

"Shhh, don't be so upset, little angel," Oliver called to me soothingly. He ran his fingers through my hair adoringly, grasping me almost desperately against him. I tried to fight against his intoxicating aura, but I gasped in deep, shuddering breaths before finding myself relaxing into his chest on instinct.

"You... you didn't say anything," I struggled a muffled whimper before another wave of pain bled more tears from me. I reached up to grasped at him, the feel of his flesh under my fingers more soothing than anything else. "None of you." Oliver grasped a handful of my hair lightly, hugging me to him before lowering his lips over my ear.

"I'm sorry, Katia. I'm sorry," He whispered, his voice pained. "Please, don't cry. I'll do anything. I can't stand to listen to such a sad sound." Despite his pleas, I could only damper my pain to minor cries instead of completely halt them. I remained trembling in his arms as I wept quietly, my breath catching between tears.

"I told Seb she wasn't ready," Levi stated quietly from nearby.

"Always with his damn lectures," Miles added suddenly, his tone bitter. He heightened his voice mockingly, "I do not take disobedience lightly, hardy har har."

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