Chapter thirteen

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Chapter thirteen

I heard frantic running and someone yelling when I woke up the next morning. I groaned as Ian threw open the door.

“Get up!”

“Dude, it’s six in the morning, why would I get up now?” I asked.

“Parents are coming,” he said hastily looking around.

“What?” I exclaimed shooting out of bed.

“I’d hide those,” he said pointing at the rolled up joints I had on my desk.

“Who all is coming?”

“Zane and Hailey and Mom and Dad,” he said before walking out the door most likely to pick something else up.

After I had hidden everything bad in my room, showered, and gotten dressed I walked down the stairs to see everyone running around.

“All the beer cans are gone right?” Trey asked while speeding by.

Zoey rolled her eyes. “If you guys didn’t drink we wouldn’t have this problem.”

“And if you weren’t such a loser you’d have more friends,” I shot back.

“Speaking of problems, are all your illegal things hidden?”

“Actually, no,” I said crossing my arms. “I think I left my crack out, along with my pipe, handcuffs, and vodka.”

“You have handcuffs?” Trey asked coming back around the corner.

“Of course that’s all you heard,” I said shaking my head.

He shrugged, “I live to please.”

“What time are they getting here?” I asked looking at the clock on the wall as I ignored Trey.

“Any moment now,” Zalee said throwing dirty dishes in the dishwasher. I must have looked confused because she continued, “They called about half an hour ago saying that their plane had just landed.”

“Wow, way to warn us,” I grumbled.

“Maybe they wanted to catch us doing something bad?” Zoey smirked.

“Then they should have arrived last night,” Trey laughed. I shot him a horrified look and everyone paused, clearly confused. “We had that bonfire and we don’t have a fire permit, duh.”

Everyone laughed figuring he was just being sarcastic, like always, but I shook my head at him. I saw Ian shaking his head as well.

“A car just pulled up!” I heard Lianne scream before she came sprinting into the room.

“Parents! Code red!” Jace yelled before throwing himself over the back of the couch.

“Hey!” Ian said while stomping into the room. “Who the hell left a condom out on the counter?” Zalee and I covered our mouths as we tried not to laugh. “Alright Zoey who are you sleeping with?”

“What!” She nearly screamed, shocked.

“Well we all know it’s not Lianne’s,” Ian said as Zoey blushed furiously. We all laughed even though we knew it was anyone but Zoey’s. She was the good one out of all of us.

“Ha!” I laughed at her. “Who’s the problem now?” Ian tossed the condom at me and I caught it just as someone opened the door. I panicked and shoved it in my pocket before spinning around with a smile on my face. “Mom! Dad!” I said as sweetly as I could.

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