*Part 01

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—— [ PART ONE ] ——

You got tons of soulmate.

          It echoed throughout her stunned mind, but is it really true? Is it really true because that surely is impossible! Rys asked the old witch. Puzzlement is all over her face. "W–w–wait, what are you talking about?"

         Theresa released out a sigh.

     "You got a mate. Mates in fact," the elderly witch stated as she crossed her arms and stood up from her couch.

    "H–how could that happen?"

      Stammering, the human asked that question with a puzzled look plastered all over her facial features. Because. Because, how could that just happen to a human?

      Mates like mates?

      Is this old witch serious? "Well, it do happens to people; but rarely. Fate has a remarkable way of choosing people to have several mates. Maybe, it is even destined for you to be here right now," Theresa explained, a bit tired.

      And maybe, envious?

      Fate. Destined. Soulmates. Ugh, this is getting way too weird for her! Rys pursed her lips, thinking if this is all a joke. Anyways, this witch might just be a hoax after all. Or not. But firstly, let's see if what this witch has to say for her.

     "How many are they then if I have mates?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. Maybe this witch is trying to exaggerate the number just by saying it with the word tons.

    "Five from what I can see."

      Theresa didn't even bother to give her a second look as she spoke out the number. Five? It is really a big number for only one girl. Aside from that, the witch had felt their powerful aura within her vision. It tells her that five of the human girl's mates are not that normal at all.

      Rys almost scoffed in disbelief. Five? "Five? Are they rich then? Are they good enough for me? Will they be able to treat me properly with genuine love and care?"

      The witch rolled her eyes at the questions. What is the use of having a soulmate if they could not treat their other half with care?

     "My goodness. I am not sure if they are rich, but I can say at the very least that they are powerful," she said with a displeased features.

    "In addition to that, they are possessive. So if you ever get to meet them, then I would helpfully warn you not to make them jealous," Theresa added once more.


      Is that a very exaggerated term of the word overprotectiveness? Rys almost rolled her green eyes at the old witch, disbelief in what she is spitting out.

      Theresa gave her a glance, turning quite serious as she faced the human girl. "And if you still do not believe me, then I will daringly tell you that you're going to meet your first soulmate later."

      My gosh. She still has more lies to say. The green eyed girl stared at her with no emotions. "I'll go now," she said.

      "Now?" the old witch asked back.

Throwing out a silent nod, Rys sighed out and turned around.Maybe you could say that her actions is a bit too fast. Like she wants to leave the house as soon as possible. That elderly witch is obviously a hoax, she muttered to herself.

          Rys just couldn't believe it.

         Theresa watched her leave the house. Somehow, she couldn't help but pity the brat. Five possessive mates — that could clearly make any mortal girl insane.

     Theresa just hopes that Rys would accept them because mates are meant to accept and love each other.

When Bonds Connect [discontinued]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora