Part 12

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—— [ PART TWELVE ] ——

Both hands were clutching onto the straps of her bag. She sighed as she blankly stared at the road ahead of her form. The black haired girl is still in doubts if she should accept him back as her mate. It's not like that Rys likes him, but she's not the type of person to make someone suffer, even when he isn't exactly a "human."

Don't worry, Rys. You can do this. You're a tough girl, right? She assured herself, but the human is not really that convinced of her self-talk. Tough girl?! She scoffed to herself. She was more of a weirdo, talking to herself in the middle of the night.

You guys must be wondering why she was even walking in the middle of the night, but Rys was just now traveling back to her house since she had been staying in Pinkie's house since earlier.

Crickets are chirping; Rys felt a bit fear crawling up within her, and she decided that she should hurry up. It was certainly dangerous for a woman like her to be outside right now. Her maid had always reprimanded her for it, but she could not help but be rebellious at times.

Her pace was a little fast; she soon came across an empty park; an abandoned park to be exact... Although Rys had heard chilling stories of it, she did not really care about those stories or this park. She glanced at the place, only for her green eyes to widen in shock.

She gasped. There— right there— was him, Mr. Cross. On top of his body was that wolf. But it cannot be really a wolf, can it?. His size wasn't normal; he was very huge!

He must be a werewolf; he must be...

She stepped closer to those supernatural beings, and she could take a glimpse of blood trickling down his snout. Her heart instantly gave out a tremble, and she did not hesitate to run towards them. She wasn't this normally brave but thinking that her vampire may possible die, Rys wasn't willing to let that happen.


"Don't worry, Miss. I'll make sure you'll have a rest after this." He gently pulled away her hair from her neck, making it bare. His blue eyes reddened at the delicious sight of it, but is it really delicious?

Enough to chase away the taste of hers?

His throat dried up as he thought of her red blood being sucked up by him. He shook his head, trying to erase that wonderful thought. He, instead, tried to focused himself on his seduced victim. A smirk lifted up the corners of his lips, but it quickly faltered when a sharp pang of pain attacked him on his side.

He placed that aside as he now bared his sharp fangs, puncturing the soft flesh of his unexpected victim. Blood started to fill him up. His energy slowly being renewed. He dug his fangs deeper, longing for more. He'll admit it. Her blood is tasty enough for him to like it; but sadly enough, hers is more delicious. Probably the best he had ever tasted in his whole lifetime.

The vampire continued to suck more, savoring the moment of calmness and blood-feeding. But it all stopped when he sensed someone stalking him. He retreated his bloody-painted lips from his victim that seemes to enjoy his doing.

If only she knows-

"Hey, why did you stop?" The maiden in his hold asked, her eyes closed. He could see that the human girl is in a dizzy state as she couldn't stand up in a proper manner. He could foretell that this human girl will be unconscious if he continued to suck her blood.

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