*Part 04

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—— [ PART FOUR ] ——

As soon as she entered her bedroom, she jumped onto her bed and made herself at home. She was happy, in bliss. A bit glad that she made it out alive last night. Of course, in thanks to Theresa's aid for letting her stay for the night. A satisfied sigh escaped her lips.

Sniffing in the familiar scent of the scents cover, she grabbed a pillow and hugged it too hard. Thankfully, it was Saturday yesterday. It would really be troubling if it wasn't. Having to stay overnight in Theresa's house is fine. Though staying on Sunday may not be good for her, so thank really goodness that it wasn't.

Well now that it is Sunday today. Before Rys forgets, she should do her homeworks. The girl had not really done anything productive this weekend. Well, you see, Rys isn't exactly a responsible teen. Rys is more of a procrastinator.. At most times, Rys does her homework right on the day of the deadline.

But today would be an exception.

The girl is in need to do something to take that crazy experience off her mind. Getting her homeworks from her bag, she opened her notebook and glanced at it. Her brows furrowed together. She can't grasp all those math problems that she had scribbled down. Flipping few pages to the left, she tried to look for her notes; but the girl was still having some difficult time.

She then decided to ask Pinkie.

Her friend usually had her assignments finish before the day of submission. Pinkie and she— they were kind of opposites but not too much. After all, the girls are the best of friends. They relate in some ways. Though she was still a bit frustrated with Pinkie the night before, she would be willing to erase it all away for now.. And Theresa was not really a hoax, Pinkie didn't exactly lie to her. Hmm.. How the hell does even Pinkie know a witch like Theresa? She's mildly curious.

Reaching for her cellphone, she found her pockets with empty insides. Oh shit. Her bright green eyes were wide in horror as she was in disbelief. She searched it in the back pockets of her pants but found nothing. It could not be at the witch's house, right? Her shocked mind was blank for a second.

She slapped herself in the face. "And now I have to go back there again." The girl internally cursed herself for being dumb.. Wasting some money again, the girl decided to use some taxi cab again to travel back to that place. As the girl knocked on the door,— this time gentle and proper unlike before— she was greeted by Theresa's wrinkly grin. "Welcome back, dear."

     *** PART FOUR ***

"It isn't about me discovering my second mate," Rys was very quick to clear out the any misunderstanding that may have occured as soon as she saw that unsettling grin of her. She wasn't really here for that. She was for her phone. She cannot stop herself but peek over Theresa's shoulder. "I— um— am here to ask if you have seen my phone because it is kinda missing."

Theresa's grin faltered. "Your phone?"

The old witch was utterly disappointed. She thought that Rys had given a second thought of her offer.. Thought that she's here for another readings. Well apparently she is not here for that.

Shaking her head, she made Rys sigh. "Forgive me but I haven't felt the presence of that electronic device in my house." Hearing her statement, Rys did not dare to lie down some questions. Theresa must have used her magic for some scanning. Dejected, she gave out an oh; but Rys instantly asked for Theresa's assistance to help search for her phone.

"Could you— um— try to know where my phone is?" she asked, a bit bashful for asking. Theresa eyed her but did try to help. She closed her gray eyes and fluttered those eyes a bit few seconds later, movements sharp. Rys was kinda hoping that Theresa's magic would help, but it was useless.

Theresa shook her head.

"You must have dropped it outside." She shrugged, almost in a nonchalant way. Well she didn't really care at all. It was not her phone.. Besides, why would she need a phone when she has all the magic she needs. Rys let out a huff as she tried to think back of all the possible places the girl could have let it drop.

She curled her fist, a bit troubled at the sudden idea that she may not find it anymore. That really costed her a lot of money. She must have dropped it while on the run.. Though she had the urge to retrace back all her steps, she was kind of lazy.

Her green eyes, downcasted.

Theresa wasn't even doing it better. "I suggest that you give up now. I doubt that you would find that junk around here lying in this place."

"My phone," she muttered, a bit sad and mournful. Maybe this is a sign that she should buy a new one. She'd been using that phone for quite a long while now. But she was feeling a bit depressed because Rys was already kinda attached with that object.

She felt tears prick the corners of her eyes, but she had to move on anyways. She still had some homeworks lying around, waiting to be finished.. Turning away from Theresa, muttering a thanks. The human girl departed. A few minutes standing. Waiting for a taxi cab again. Enters the cab, Rys muttered her own address.

Having the knowledge that studies come first before everything else— even grieving for the loss of her two - to - almost three years old phone.

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