[2] Raiders!

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Otis Stonesinger raised his shield bearing the hammer and anvil seal of his god, Panahdae.  "Arrows!"  A cluster of arrows dropped from the sky, sailing in the companions' direction.  Two arrows shattered upon his shield with help from its magical protection. However, one tore into Haygen's thigh.

The Half-orc grimaced and snapped the arrow off just above the muscle. "Black fletching. Same that killed Raymarn." He let out a chilling scream. His friends heard it before. The Orc war cry sounded horrifying, yet necessary at times.

"Hold, Haygen!" The Dwarf took to a deep breath and scanned the battle before them. "Two formations coming from the west. Five horsemen. Yet another formation swings from the south end of town to trap us in. The Watch's main force heads west, so we will attack the south." None of them argued with the Dwarf. He had seen many battles and commanded armies in open warfare before.

The four companions sprinted through the town's main street as mothers dragged their children indoors. Those who could drew weapons to defend Tamberlain.

Kayla waved her hands, "Clear the streets!" Then, appearing like a black wave, twenty armed raiders raced for the town's south entrance. She reached into a pouch on her belt and grabbed a simple piece of coal. It was the only ingredient she needed to begin her spell. "Down!"

Otis, Haygen and Wess took to a sliding knee as Kayla whispered her words of magic and ground the coal deep into the palms of her hands. "Arsonas Rundalla." From her palms erupted a ball of red flame racing toward the oncoming pack of bandits. The explosion sent bodies high into the air. Their high-pitched screams sounding like dying banshees. The shock of their men on fire paused the assault.

Otis turned to his friends and screamed through his black beard. "Advance!"

They all engaged the enemy without missing a beat. In that moment a long lost feeling returned.  Four companions fighting as one force.  The adventuring troop that killed the Goblin king, destroyed the zombies of Paragon Temple, and slew the Wyvern of the Whispering Woods. They fought side-by-side once again.

They battled close enough to see faces now. Crazed Men and mad Orcs trying to recover from the magical fire. But these seemed no ordinary bandits. Otis slammed his runed hammer into the head of an Orc trying to stand. Haygen swung his ax, Icefang, with two hands of fury and drove it into the chest of the first thing in black he saw. He didn't care if it was Man, or Orc. He pulled it free leaving a gaping frozen wound and swung the other way removing the leg of another coming at him with a shortsword.

Wess ducked and spun and parried his way through the battlefield. His daggers made short work of any in his path leaving his hands and arms sticky with black Orcs blood.

Kayla scanned the field for any magic-wielders and saw none, but set upon a Man carrying off a young girl over his shoulder. She whispered her ancient words, "Astreya." Thin rays of light beamed from her fingers and pounded into the raider's side. He fell over dropping the girl. One bandit remained and seeing his odds were rather horrible, he ran to rejoin the main force.

"Leave him, Wess," said Otis. The Faeling pulled his thrust and turned to search for more targets. "Also, your cloak is on fire you nit."

"Right, thanks for that." Wess smiled, his thin, angular face streaked with mud and ash. He ripped off his cloak exposing his numerous blades, thieving instruments and the chainmail vest he wore. Quickly, he returned his blades to a guard position ever vigilant of his enemies playing dead.

Otis shook his head, "Form up and let's move to the main gate!"

The four companions moved back through town and found two more raiders pulling a young Elf woman from a group of folk hiding under a market table.

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