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The four companions carried on for many hours after the battle with the Cave Bears.  Each step they took weighed heavier on them than the last.  Twilight loomed near and held no color in the western sky save for a fade to grey.  It was as if the sun was a dim, lingering light hanging in a foggy haze.  All of the plants and trees around them were either dead, or wilting.  Gone were the days of great hunts in this land.  Gone were the times of fresh breeze through the trees and running wild on horseback.  Lost were the hours upon hours of training with their weapon-master, Raymarn. 

Otis stopped and rubbed at his right knee.  He was used to the pain, but as he aged it grew worse.  The old war injury was healed, but residual pain was always there.  He could still see the face of the Dark Elf who slammed his spiked mace down on it during a battle that lasted two days and two nights.   Those eyes were pure evil.  He shook the memory from his head and focused back on the group, taking toll of their faces.  He looked to the Wizard first and his eyes widened.

Otis caught up to Haygen and bade him to bend low so he could whisper into his ear.  "She needs rest."

They turned to Kayla with close inspection.  Her eyes, still blue and powerful, stared off into the distance.  Her robe of deep emerald and gold flowed gently in the weak breeze.  Passed down from her oldest sister, Kayerah, it was the most precious thing she owned.  Not a rip, nor tear penetrated the cloth's magic protection.  The grime of earth ground into the bottom hem and the scorching on the sleeves from her many spells of fire gave it character.  Her hands clutched dearly to her staff and she walked with a hunch even though she no longer carried a spare ounce besides her stone amulet—Haygen saw to that.  Her silver hair was damp with sweat and lonely strands clung to her emaciated face and curled around the points of her ears.  She appeared to age decades throughout the day.  The Dwarf would have no more of it. He approached her and rested his hand on her shoulder.

"Do you hear me, Kayla Windshaper?" said the Dwarf.

The Wizard smiled kindly and said, "I hear you, Otis."

"The hour is late."

"Of course," said Kayla.  A single tear ran down her cheek as her struggle began to leave her.  "I can go further."

"No.  We need to make camp," said Otis.  It was a lie, but a small one.  They had an hour of sunlight left, but the spot they were in seemed ideal.  "Whatever your plan is for tonight we had best prepare."

The Elf nodded, "Very well."  She closed her eyes.  "There will be a moment where the woods will make contact.  It will be for but a moment, but they know we are here and they will confront us with full force as they've been watching.  They are ever watching..."

Otis received nods from Haygen and Wess.  "We are ready, Kayla," Otis assured her.

Kayla fell to a knee.  Her body went from a clenched fist to a limp rag.  The floating butterflies spun to the forest floor like dying purple leaves.  The protection spell was no more.     

Thanks so much for reading!  I know this one is short, but I wanted to get something out because the next scene is a bit special and I want to get it right.  I hope this holds you over.  If you have questions, or comments I'd love to hear them.  

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