[6] attack

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- Ross's POV -


Ross ran out of the hut, following his older cousin and her new friends.

He summoned his whip as he ran, silently panicking. Why was he panicking, you ask? As a simple caretaker of chickens for most of his life, he wasn't experienced with using weapons. He was inexperienced with using anything sharp, for God's sake!

The Kingdom had heard of Sky and Jin's nightly sprees, so they were obviously prepared. Shelby was a baker, and had to use knives. She and Max had already proved themselves when they had that mini fight earlier.

Cory was a thief, and Nick was his best friend. They probably knew how to defend themselves.

And then there was Ross, the chicken farmer.

A group of people waited outside.

The two in front were smirking at the Seven. A man and a woman.

Okward ran outside. He glared at the woman. "YOU!"

She smirked. "Me. I was wondering where you disappeared to, Okward. How stupid of me for not checking here, eh? Not. I was merely biding my time, building up my army, and strengthening our ranks."

She spread her arms. "Ah, but where are my manners? My name is Lord Aphmau, the Seven of Hate. And I shall be your demise."

Lord Aphmau pointed at Shelby. "Kill the others, but do not kill her. She will be useful in my clutches."

Cory stepped in front of Shelby. Ross silently thanked Cory for doing that. "You're not taking her anywhere."

Lord Aphmau glared at him. "And who is to stop me? I see you already know how to summon your weapons. And what help will that be, when you don't even know how to use your powers?"

"I know how."

Everyone turned to see Max, who was glaring at Lord Aphmau. His fists were surrounded by flames. His red hair was on fire.

Ross instinctively backed up.

Lord Aphmau only chuckled. "Max, Max, Max. Fire can be a dangerous thing. It's not to be toyed with. But then again, same with your emotions. How do you feel to have your teammates ganging up on you, all because you shot one arrow at the perfect Seven of Love, the one who could destroy the Evil for good? How do you feel to have your only friend right here?"

Lord Aphmau stepped aside to reveal a boy with brown hair and strangely black eyes. He grinned at Max. "Hey Maxxy."

Max glared harder. "Hello Tim. What did I say about the nicknames?"

Ross didn't know what the story was between Max and Tim, but he was pretty sure that it wasn't a very good one, seeing as Max looked like he wanted to kill Tim.

"Ah, but Max," Tim smirked. "You don't want to get too mad Max. Otherwise you'll regret it and be a sad Max. Then you'll be a rad Max, only to become a sad Max. Face the facts, Max, all things come back, Max."

Max looked even madder than before.

"Block it out, Max," Okward advised. He leveled his spear. "Aphmau, I don't know what you're playing at. But if you want Shelby, you'll have to get through us."

And with that, he charged.


- Shelby's POV -

"Shelby!" Cory yelled, raising his knife. "Get behind me!"

"No, Cory!" Shelby refused. "Back to back. I got yours, you got mine."

They backed up against each other. Shelby swung and parried, but she never killed.

She hit Lord Aphmau's army with the flat of her blade. Shelby dared to spare a glance at Cory.

He was swinging and parrying just like Shelby, except there was one tiny difference with his fighting style. He was stabbing and hacking at the enemy, yanking out his blade from various locations, such as the stomach, chest, head, neck, etc., etc.

"Cory!" Shelby yelled, her attention diverted by a man almost impaling her with his spear.

"What?" he asked, throwing his knife at a man who tried to shoot him with his bow. Cory re-summoned his knife.

"Stop killing people!" Shelby pleaded, blocking a woman's attack with her sword.

"They're trying to kill us, Shelby! They're trying to capture you!" Cory shouted.

"Hey, guys!" Nick appeared, his axe stained with blood and dirt. "Can I join you?"

The trio backed into each other, fighting as hard as they could.

It was all going well, when a scream so painfully familiar interrupted the fighting.

Shelby's eyes widened. "Ross!"

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