[40] gone

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Yep. I did that. Pew, pew, fire your lasers, I'll hide inside of my dead body. XD




- Nick's POV -


Nick felt trapped. Something was on top of him, crushing him and forcing him on the ground. Then light burst through a hole.

The feeling returned his body. Pain, white-hot, yet numb, coursed through his body. His head pounded. His ribs ached.

"Nick?" someone called, but it sounded to Nick as if he were underwater.

Nick groaned in response.

"He's still alive down there," a different person said.

"Here, I got this."

The weight was lifted off of Nick's body. Nick blinked, his eyes adjusting to the light.

"Nick, you okay?" Sky appeared in his blurry vision.

Nick winced. "What do you think?"

"Bruised ribs, minor concussion, sprained ankle. Not too bad. Nothing we can't heal," someone said.

"The others were worse, though," Sky replied. "Cory's out cold, but his leg wound was healed. Jin and Max are unconscious, but they'll wake up soon. And Shelby... Shelby's..."

"Let's not talk about that," the mysterious person responded. "Prop Nick up on the wall, or something."

Nick felt a pair of hands pick him up. Nick winced as the hands made contact with his bruised ribs.

He was propped up against a wall. The room was spinning. He saw some blurry figures walking around the room.

Someone opened his mouth, and tilted his head back slightly. A warm liquid was poured into his mouth. It tasted sweet, like watermelon. (Vanilla Minecraft healing potion recipe, eh?)

"There. He should be fine now."

"How do we tell them the news?"

"I don't know."

Nick felt drowsy. It wasn't like he was dying. It felt more like he used his powers a lot, and needed a nap.

"Pat, he's falling asleep," Sky said urgently.

"No, it's okay. The human body can only heal with the help of sleep. (It's true.) He'll wake up in an hour or so," Pat said. "Sweet dreams, Nick."

Nick closed his eyes.


Nick woke up slowly. He reached up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. The previous events came crashing into his mind.

Instead of leaning against a wall, Nick was in a sort of makeshift bed. He had a pillow under his head, and he was laying on a thin blanket.

"So, you're awake."

Sky came over to him. "Do you remember what happened?"

Nick frowned, struggling to remember. "We were fighting, then the ceiling fell on me, then Pat gave me some sort of healing potion, and now I'm here."

Sky nodded. "Good. You don't have amnesia."

"What happened to the others?" Nick asked immediately.

"Ross, Max, and I were fine," Sky responded. "The Head only stunned us. Cory was stabbed, Jin hit his head, and the ceiling collapsed on you."

Nick thought for a moment. He sat up. "Wait. There's one more person. Shelby, where's Shelby?"

Sky's eyes softened. "Nick, I'm sorry, but Shelby's gone."

"Gone?" Nick asked. "Shelby can't be gone. She was fine outside."

"She came back inside. She woke up. Shelby extended her love to everybody, healing Cory's stab wound and turning back the rest of the Arcane Seven. The problem was, it knocked everybody out," Sky explained.

"Then how is she gone?" Nick asked again.

"Red and the Head escaped. Wherever they are, they have Shelby with them."

Nick felt numb again. "Shelby's... really gone?"

"We'll get her back," Sky promised. "I swear it on my life."

Nick studied Sky for a moment. Ever since he, Jin, and Ross disappeared into the woods to scout out the area, Sky appeared more as a battle-hardened general then a seventeen-year-old, fun-loving guard. He changed.

Nick got up shakily. Ross and Max were talking to each other across the room. Cory and Jin were lying in beds across from Nick's.

There were people lying on beds on the other side of the room. Nick assumed they were the deceased. He felt a pang in his heart as he saw a familiar girl with purple hair lying among the dead.

Then Nick saw two figures talking to Pat, Okward, Joel, and Lizzie.

Aphmau and Barney.

Nick immediately tensed up when he saw Barney. His head still hurt a little after he was crushed by the ceiling.

Sky noticed his uncomfortableness. "It's okay. They're on our side now. When Shelby used her powers, she healed everybody's major injuries and turned back Aphmau and Barney. If she didn't, Cory would be dead, Jin would have a concussion that would result in brain damage, and you would, most likely, have amnesia."

Nick frowned as he noticed another person missing. "Where's Red? The Head?"

Sky shook his head. "Red realized what was going on. He escaped with the Head. And with Shelby."

Nick bit his lip. What were they supposed to do now?

"You know, you were right about the whole déjà vu thing," Sky said. "But anyways, once Cory and Jin wake up, we're going to hold a meeting. With the same people as last time, except the Pack and the Arcane Seven will be here, too. Jen and the other scientists are going to be in a hologram. We haven't told them the battle was over yet, so I think even Tyler Mak will have a smile on his face when we tell them it's almost over."

"Almost?" Nick complained. "Come on, haven't we done enough?"

"Oh man, I wish!" Sky grinned. Nick decided he liked Sky better when he was smiling.

"Okay," Nick said. "In the meantime, I'll watch over Cory."

Nick sat down next to his best friend. Sky seemed to voice his thoughts. "He's going to be so mad when he wakes up."


For those of you who read the spoilers in the other book, feel free to scream all you want. I'm just going to sit here and watch my notifications KYS. 

RIP PhoenixGirl1288.

Sorry if I'm losing my sense of humor, I'm just really tired because I have a really hard volleyball clinic from 7:30-9:30 PM from Monday to Thursday. Tired heart eye emoji. (If anyone gets THAT reference, you get a cookie!)

 - Phoenix

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