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The day had finally arrived. The not so awaited day. Katherine sighed as she stared outside her room window unseeingly. Time went by so quickly sometimes that she had difficulty to keep up the pace especially with the fickle nature of what her life had been.

Sprawled on the floor surrounded by a heap of invitation cards, it finally dawned on her that she was going to get married in two months. Her big day. Yayy, she thought inwardly with forced and ironical enthusiasm. She was going to be Mrs. Bigfoot, how cool was that?  But she chided herself for being such a fool. Edward Bigfoot her fiancé was a nice person even if he was difficult to bear with sometimes. And she knew better now than to nurture that silly notion of having to be in love to be married. Marriages were mostly a compromise; nothing like they showed in movies or novels.

Forever love was all hoax. There was never a happy ending. And who better than her to know that sorry truth of life?

As if on cue, she caught sight of one invitation card flashing the name on the envelope. The name that once had meant everything to her. Aidan Flint Waldorf. The love of her life. Her best friend. Or ex-best friend more likely. How can someone she had not talked to for the last six years still be her best friend? She didn’t think so. Six years was a long time to forget someone and no longer be close. And besides, their relationship was so messed up anyway that she did not believe it would ever “unmess” up.

One good thing about the past was that at some point in time it left one with no other choice than to move on. She no longer missed him that much now as he was no longer within distance of her heart and as the adage so rightfully said “out of sight, out of mind”.

Next to the invitation card lied two other similar cards with two different names. Ryce Vin Connor and Jennifer Avery Calhoun. Her other two best friends. For the first two years, it had been only the three of them; Jen had joined the university only for the last year. But she had joined their group almost immediately. And they had spent many wonderful moments together and had been so close that there had been no secrets among them. Except one.

Hell, she did not want to go there. It was all water under the bridge now and she had already moved on in life. Digging up the past would bring nothing fruitful to her life. She had better keep her wits around her if she wanted her sanity intact until the marriage.

There was no escape this time; she had stalled the wedding ceremony long enough. Her mother and sisters were already so excited that they had taken over every preparations leaving her to only look after the guest list.

Which made sense since it was her wedding. She wanted to decide who to invite and not. And she had wanted her three best friends for the wedding. Even if she had not talked to them for the last six years.

Ever since she had left university, she had had no news of either of them and they had not seemed fit to contact her also. Her phone numbers mobile and landline had been the same but she had never got any information about them. Not on any social networking websites as well. Neither had bothered to contact her even to ask about her welfare. It wasn’t as if she cared; she had also not contacted any of them either. It was for the best anyway; she had not wanted to face them after the graduation party fiasco.

“Kate!” shouted a voice from the door of her room. “Will you please…” her mother stopped midway of her sentence and put a hand on her mouth to stop the shriek.

“Mom, don’t panic,” she said quickly knowing her mother only too well. Judith Thornton was a control freak when it came to cleaning and hated to see anything in disorder. “I’m going to pick them up as soon as I finish writing the names,” she assured her in a calm voice.

Meant To Be Yours #Wattys2016 [COMPLETED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt