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Okay?!! Was he hearing right? Kate had said okay?! What the hell was going on? And how dared that damned loser order her around like some vulgar master talking to his dog! Aidan had never seen a meek Kate; she had always been full of opinion and argument with him.

“Are you coming?” Kate asked him and he nodded following them without any protest. He had too many unanswered questions in his mind to miss the upcoming introduction; he had to confirm whether his doubts were plausible or not. When Kate had not seemed enthusiastic about the arrival of her fiancé, he had been puzzled but had not made anything out of it. It must have been because of what had happened between them earlier.

What actually happened? He had been staring at her realizing that she looked very beautiful; more than he had ever remembered. His memory failed him and he had never realized that she would grow into such a lovely woman. Like always, he had felt his groin harden at such a lovely sight of her and he had wanted to kiss her at that moment.

And when she had fallen in his lap, it had been a God sent opportunity. He knew she had felt his budge but had felt disappointed when she had not reacted to that fact. Nothing had mattered then except that she was with him and to her credit, she had not reacted to his flirt. Fortunately for them-or was is unfortunately?, they had been interrupted by the arrival of the famous fiancé. He had completely forgotten that she was engaged during their private moment and had been mortified at his behavior; he did not want her to fall into trouble.

But when he had discovered that she had not even mentioned the fact that her friends were staying at her house, he had to admit that it was weird. And it got him thinking. Was there something wrong in paradise? Why the hell was Kate getting married to such an asshole? Was someone pressurizing her to marry him or was it on her own will?

Maybe he was exaggerating or maybe he was going ballistic. It must be a figment of his imagination playing a trick on him. Of course, Kate would only accept to marry someone only and only if she loved him. It was Kate after all, a real sucker for romance and all the foolish things that came along.

Therefore, curious to know more, he watched as Kate introduced Connor and Jen to her fiancé. The introduction was cool and formal as had been his and he found that the bigfoot was making no effort to bond with any of her friends. And to top it all, Kate wasn’t minding in the least.

“So, Kate?” asked Jennifer. “It’s final? We are going to the club tonight?”

Kate looked warily at Edward who answered for her and Aidan felt his jaws sagged in shock. Where the hell was the Kate he knew? It was as if he was staring at some stranger; he could hardly recognize his feisty Katie.

“No, of course she’s not. She’s not one to go to those vulgar clubs,” her fiancé admonished gently while delivering a smile looking all innocent like he had done nothing atrocious. Aidan wanted to punch his face right at that moment and he had a hard time reigning his temper.

Kate’s head was bent and he could not read her expression but his fury increased when the bigfoot started making mediocre jokes about the clubs that he used to attend in his teens. According to him, they were very “down-market” and not worth his presence.

Okay, he was entitled to his opinion but he had no right forbidding Kate to spend time with them. Or whoever she wanted. Both Jennifer and Ryce looked puzzled but nobody said a word not daring to interfere in their relationship.

Trying to loosen up, he mentally shrugged off his prejudice. Besides, who was he to judge what kind of person bigfoot was? If Kate had chosen him, he was sure there was something more to his character. Somehow, even as he was trying to convince himself of that fact, he felt an uncomfortable feeling round his heart. Something was wrong.

Meant To Be Yours #Wattys2016 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now