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Aidan was getting impatient. It was already eight thirty and he had not seen Kate that morning. She had not been present for breakfast but neither had most of the family. He had sent her three text messages but she had not replied to any of them and he was starting to get worried.

After the drama of last night, he had thought that the storm would calm down but was apparently wrong. Something must have happened today for Kate to have disappeared like that. Hell! If only she had given him a hint about what was going on, he would have accompanied her. But she was so damn independent.

At first when she had asked him not to mention that they were together, he had been stunned and had not known how to react. Was she ashamed of what was between them? But when she had explained, he had been surprised at her perceptiveness. It was their only choice after all to exonerate their relationship.

It was going to look bad anyway. Whatever they said, it was going to sound as if they had cheated on Bigfoot while it was nowhere near the truth. But people usually focused on the juicy gossip and drama instead of the feelings involved. And their love affair deserved better than that. He could wait forever if it meant that they would be together without any guilt. He loved her that much.

Finally, unable to bear the suspense, he dialed her number and would have cut the connection when she answered on the tenth ring.

“Kate, where are you?” he asked his voice sounding worried despite himself. “I have been looking for you everywhere in that huge castle but nobody has any idea where you could be.”

“Aidan! Sorry I had to go out for a while. I will be back soon,” she whispered and Aidan guessed there was someone near her and she could not speak to him clearly.

“Are you alright, honey?” he asked simply because he had to know if she was alright to be able to breathe again. He was worried sick about what had happened the previous night but had thought that the worse was over.

“Yes, don’t worry. I will be home soon.”

“I love you,” he said and grinned when she answered her usual same. It was going to be payback time soon and he would make her tell him how much she loved him over and over again. Almost immediately, his phone buzzed and his grin got wider as he read the message.

I love you too baby. Sorry was busy could not see your messages. Will get back soon and will tell you everything. Meantime, miss me. xoxo.

Aidan Flint Waldorf was a goner! He must have read the message at least twenty times over. Still grinning like a fool, he quickly hid his mobile away out of pure reflex when Ryce came up behind him without warning.

“Wolf, have you told Kate about your feelings yet?” his friend asked him patting him on the back as was his usual greeting. And Aidan felt guilty at having to hide that from his friends. The only ones who had supported him during the rough periods.

“I don’t think it’s the right time. She has already so many things to deal that I thought better of waiting awhile before I confront her,” he lied and thankfully Ryce did not pick anything from his voice.

“You did the right thing. Let the marriage fiasco calm down and then you strike! That was what Jen told me last night,” he said with all sincerity and Aidan hugged him.

“Thanks mate. Thank you for everything!”

“No worries, pal. That’s what friends are for. And besides I owe you that much after stealing your girlfriend,” Ryce grinned wolfishly at his friend and Aidan liked the fact that they could joke about it now. It was hard to imagine that only one month ago, he would have given anything to smash the face of his nemesis.

Meant To Be Yours #Wattys2016 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now