2: Humiliation

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After the night spend partying at the Flitchers, I had made a friend, Roderick. Apparently, he was sweet and had a sense of humor.

But the part which worried me the most was, he was part of Chase and his group of gang. He hadn't recognised me, but he did mention that he found me familiar.

I would be in dip sh*t if he recognises me and tell tales to Chase. They would come after me for sure.

Last bell of the day rang, snapping me out of my daze. I was about to leave the classroom when Chase and his group approached me. Their girlfriends clung to their side as they awaited for the humiliation to happen.

I internally groaned as I was in deep trouble this time.

I looked down, not daring to meet his eyes as I felt cold water drench my whole body. I closed my eyes at the humiliation as laughter filled the classroom.

"Look at the pathetic nerd." Macey sneered while I pursed my lips into a thin line as I ignored their insults. I felt my hair yanked to the back as I was faced with Chase, my nose barely touching his.

"What do you want?" I croaked out, trying to hold myself from retaliating back. I could fight back but sometimes, holding myself back was better.

At least, I would not return home with broken limbs or fractured bones.

"Stop it, guys." Roderick's familiar voice rang in my ears as I looked at him gratefully. His hand was clamped against Chase's shoulder as he pulled him back.

I felt his grip on my hair loosen which in turn caused my body to slump to the ground. I panted for breath as I let my dark curls cover my face.

I was so sick of their constant bullying. I had enough, but I couldn't say anything to stop it.

I heard footsteps exiting the room as I looked up to be met with Roderick's eyes. I offered a weak smile as I pushed myself up.

I took a step forward when his voice stopped me. "You are the girl last night, aren't you?"

That was it. He had recognised me. I was hoping that he hadn't.

I looked towards him with a confused look. "What are you talking about? I didn't appear at any party last night." I shrugged, hoisting my bag over my shoulder.

And with that, I walked out of the empty classroom. I felt stares from people down the hallway as they gossiped about me behind my back.

She's pathetic.

She deserves to lose her family.

She should die.

Why didn't she die in the car crash?

Maybe, she wouldn't be here anymore.

Their words stung, but ignoring them was the best. I continued walking, ignoring their nosy gossips and walked out of the school.

I walked down the pavements only to be stopped by a horn. I looked towards my right to see a car pulling up beside me. The window rolled down to reveal Roderick smiling at me.

"Let me give you a ride. Hop on in." He offered, while I shook my head hastily. I turned my head to the front and continued walking until a hand stopped me.

"What do you want, Roderick?" I said, not looking up. "Look at me." The familiar voice said.

All I knew that it wasn't Roderick.

I slowly looked up to see Chase towering before me. I gulped as I held my breath. I withdrew my wrist from his hand as I looked past him to see Roderick walking towards us.

I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder as I was pulled to Roderick's side. "Don't bully her anymore, Chase. Leader or not, I am not going to let you lay a finger on her." He finished, pulling me to his car.

I slipped into his car and waited for him to start the ignition. I ignored the burning stares from Chase as I looked down.

The car turned a corner as he cleared his throat to grab my attention. "Are you okay, Gemini?" He asked, looking at me.

I turned to look at him and nodded. "I'm fine."

"But what you did just now could land yourself in trouble. Chase might add on to the 'treatment' ten times more than before." I sighed, leaning against the seat as I dragged my face down.

I felt a hand on my thigh as I shifted my eyes to him. "Don't worry, I will protect you." He reassured, squeezing my thigh.

I swatted his hand away.

"You must be crazy. In the past, you didn't even protect me when I was bullied. So, why now?"


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4th July 2016

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