The Secret Origin of Tom Triole - Part 3

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Keeping my hands in my trousers pocket, I headed towards the dinning room. I had just gone over the training video that Mr. Andrewson had sent us, and I mulled over the points where I could have done better. I was bothered by Oscar and Abigail's exchanges, but I knew I had no real reason to be...

Then I saw people running out of the dinning room and felt a prickling in my senses; it was familiar, and as I got closer the sense of danger increased. It didn't take long for me to gather that something was wrong.

Striding into the dinning room, I was greeted with chaos as people shouted and ran around. The temperature was visibly lower and my body automatically responded. I could felt the epicenter of all of these - a ice circle and Abigail and another girl was standing right in front of it.

"What's going on? I sensed..." I asked, but the answer was given to me not a second later when Fred Bowen's emotionless face turned towards him.

Our eyes connected and I could felt his powers building up inside him without control. It sent a powerful pull towards mine, like it did when we first met. All of my body was screaming for me to either move or escape away from the source. I could felt heat building up inside me by itself, but before I could do anything about it, I was hit by the coldest blizzard I had ever known.

The force was so strong that I was thrown against the wall, and my head slammed against the hard concrete before I fell to the ground. My head was pounding and the cold made me felt like I was burning.

"Do something!" Abigail suddenly turned to me angrily and I glared at her. Could the girl not tell when someone was hurting. Conjuring some fire in my hands, I started to get some feeling back in my arms as the temperature rose marginally.

"Has this ever happened before?" She asked, her teeth chattering together and I narrowed my eyes at Bowen. While we had some altercation when he first arrived, it had never gone this far before.

"Tom." She asked again, and I turned to look at her. She looked fierce and for a moment we held our glaze at each other. She won't let it go, would she?

"Fine. When I first came something similar happened between the two of us, but nothing this big." I admitted, nodding towards Fred. I shuddered, wondering if this was what I looked like when my power emerged; a fire wielding monster who knew no reason. Out of control.

"Okay, so I guess having you close to him now would be a bad idea." She sighed; despite the fact that I wanted to help, I knew in my guts that she was right. If I went near him, it might escalate.

"The teachers should be here by now." The girl Abigail was with said. Her name was Natasha or something. "I am sure they will figure something out."

I resisted the urge to snort, not wanting to put more pressure on the situation. Our teachers here were useless; and you couldn't honestly expect them to know everything that happened anyway.

"Tome, can you please try and keep the temperature stable?" Abigail asked, turning around to look at me. I raised my eyebrows at her; did she think she could give me orders now?

I nodded, and she seemed a little surprised. WHile I might dislike Fred Bowen, I didn't want to watch him self destruct and take everyone with him. What I didn't expect was Abigail walking towards him.

"What are you doing?" I shouted as she braced herself against the blizzard, making small progress.

"Getting to him. Duh." She shouted back, and I didn't know whether I should laugh that she still had some humour in this situation, or worried that she was going to get iced over.

"Are you crazy?" I shouted as another ice storm almost toppled her over, but she was too far to hear me now. I looked at Natasha, shouldn't she do something?

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