Chapter 11 You are Mental

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Hey guys! so sorry for my late upload! I got back from my field trip and got super busy with writing my essay then I am off to Barcelona with friends this tues for 4 days! I am sooo excited!

Just watched Hunger Games movie yesterday, I LOVED IT. Admittedly not as good as the books. But still. And I think Cato is quite perfect for Fred Bowen ;D

I am sure you guys are sick of my chitchat, so here is the long overdue upload ! I am so, so sorry! Thank you for waiting so patiently!

Love you all!

Don't forget to comment and vote :D


The rest of the week passed in a blur and I was surprised to find myself settling smoothly into my new life. All the science lessons were almost identical to the one in my old school back in London District 9. I found out that the timetable is repetitive every two weeks so I still haven't had some lessons yet, but so far I loved the one that I had. POE History, for one was very interesting and wasn't as boring as other people made it out to be. I enjoyed learning about the great things that POEs had done in the past. Although I knew that memorizing them for an exam will be a pain.

I also loved the non-science subjects that I had – Art, Drama and Music. In art I was told to 'just paint', which was something I had never done before. The teacher piled a box of paints in front of me and gave me a canvas to start right away. I tried to read people's minds to see how do you paint, but none of them were thinking about it so I just picked up a brush and started.

It felt magical. Painting. Like I was creating a parallel universe. I was the god that control the kingdom that was the painting. I could add or remove anything I wanted and create dozens of different, streaking colours.

Drama was also interesting. Everyone was already split into groups working on different things for the Christmas play. I was put into the special effects team since I was a telepath, and my job was to levitate things around according to the script. We were doing a play called A Mid Summer Night's Dream, which was suppose to be really famous and it involved a lot of fairy so I had to keep lifting people around.

But neither of those two could compare to music. Music sucked me into an entirely different world. I have heard music before, on the rarely occasion that I got the watch television or movie. However, live music really, really was something else. The flow of melodies were enchanting and it took all my will power to not to squeal like a little girl on Christmas Eve.

My mind reading proof to be a great asset to me for Music, because I could read other people's mind and learn how to read sheet music and play instruments. So I didn't make a fool of myself when the teacher asked me to try out a little on the piano. The sound of the music felt like magic itself, despite the fact that I wasn't that good a player. Dr Western, the music teacher told me that I had done quite well for a first timer.

So far my life had been quite uneventful. I got on quite well with Elise, which was a relieve. Being friends with someone and living with them are two completely different things and I was glad that we didn't get into fights or anything. I also made some more friends, everyone seemed to be nice and helpful. I knew that the little trick I pulled at the dinning room had work well to ensure that.

I saw Fred Bowen in the corridors and dinning hall a few times, but he never did anything. In fact he just pretended that I wasn't even there. Deep down I had this gut feeling that he was planning something, but with my power I should do fine.

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