Chapter 28 It's complicated

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I brushed past a group of giggling younger girls on my way to Mr. Andrewson’s office, running late to the tutorial session. They were gushing about how one of them saw Fred Bowen and Natalie Chen holding hands. I snickered; no one in their right mind can hate Natalie, even though Fred was in the picture.


The news that Fred Bowen and Natalie were an item spread through the school like wildfire. By the end of the day everyone knew about it. Thankfully Hamish wasn’t included in any of the gossip, everyone were too psyched about Fred Bowen getting in a serious relationship to focus on him.

Everyone in the school reacted quite well to their relationship; and the two of them can be seen doing couple-y thing more and more often now in the public; even the teachers turn a blind eye when it came to the two of them. Fred was actually becoming nicer to everyone as a result and stopped biting everyone’s head off.

Another notable thing was another new student arrived, relieving me from my ‘new girl’ position. Her name was Jessica, and she was from Atlanta Citybase. She was one year older than me but got be in my year because of her power placement, which I had yet to find out. The surprising thing was that Fred Bowen didn’t harass her at all during her first lunch, he even muttered a hi to her!

Bursting into Mr. Andrewson’s office I was surprised to see that the headmaster himself was actually absent from the room. Oscar had already arrived and smiled at me as I entered.

“He’s not here yet.” Oscar said, I breath a sign of relieve and sat down next to him. Tom is usually slightly late, but Mr. Andrewso had always been in his office before us, this was the first time I entered his office without him being in there. He usually let it go, probably because he knew Tom so well now, but I personally hate being late.

“Are you sure it’s alright for us to stay here?” I asked and Oscar shrugged. I rolled my eyes, nothing ever faze this guy. Well, I guessed there was no point in scrambling out myself and waiting. I was too tired anyway.

Tom strode in a few minutes later and sat down on the other side of Oscar, barely sparing me a glance. He had been acting quite weird lately, technically ever since our talk a few weeks ago. I think he’s embarrassed about it, which is cute. I mean, what a weirdo he is.

“Sorry for keeping you guys waiting, I had some important documents to do.” Mr. Andrewson said, walking into the room a few seconds later holding a large pile of papers. “I was just working on the notice for this year’s Class E Obstacle-Legre test, which I am advising all of you to take part in.”

Tom and Oscar nodded their heads, whilst I looked from Mr. Andrewson to them and back, confused. Mr. Andrewson sat down on his chair and set the paper to one side.

“What is a Class E Obstacle-Legre test?” I asked timidly, seeing as no one seemed willing to explain anything to me.

“It’s a qualification test for POEs, those who pass will be classified as a Class E POE, it’s an important test for POE students before they graduate. Class E is the normal standard for most graduates in POE Academy.” Mr. Andrewson explained, my mind started whirling; so most POEs graduate as a Class E by passing some test, but I had never done any beforehand.

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