25th Poem: Sparkles

173 12 14

I PM'd HauntingAngel, saying "Hey can you give me a random word? Like any word that comes to mind" and she responded with sparkles.

Song of chapter: 99 Princess Problems by sWooZie

When I think of sparkles,

I think of eyes,



my little pony,


and things with

sequins that

sparkle in light.

I think....

I think I don't know much

about things that 


Let me

look up a definition-

maybe I can try

to learn about it

so I can sit down and

write a poem about it.

I looked it up,

so here it goes.

I love how 

some earrings sparkle

when the light hits them

creating pretty rainbows

and illusions of shiny things

that are made by various shadows.

I love how 

some people can sparkle-

be lively and witty

all at the same time.

I applaud those people

because they can be happy

and keep a level head,

probably becoming the

life of the party.

I've always read books

and multiple times I've read

of how a man's eyes sparkled

and I could never understand

what that meant.

Some people say

you were the sparkle in

your father's eye

whenever he looked at me

before you were born.

One time at a night time swim practice,

my friend looked at me and said

"Your eyes look really pretty in the light,

they look like they're sparkling!"

To me it was a

wtf moment because being me

I had no idea

wtf she was talking about.

But I looked around

catching other people's eyes,

seeing them look sparkly.

Cool, huh?

I still don't get how

there can be a

sparkle in one's eye though.

This last definition

makes me think

sparkle kind of means

a flair,

if used as a noun.

The last definition


vivacity and wit.

The example given

to help one better 

understand the word is:

"she's got a kind of sparkle"

So I guess people 

that sparkle are

one of a kind people,

unique in their own way,

a lone twinkle-

sorry, sparkle

 in the sea of stars

we have all over this world.

Body {Prose Vol. 1}✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora