59th Poem: Headaches

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it seems as though

another headache forms to

taint my day,

blur my vision,

add dizziness to my being,


follow me all day.




A headache forms,

clouding my thoughts,

silencing my voice.

An invisible hammer,

banging on my temples,

breaking down walls instead of

building them up.

My skull,

pulverized by the feeling of

an intense beating

surrounding my brain in an

impenetrable cage,

my concious unable to 

rise up to fame

and defeat the monster

enslaving my brain.

I wake up to headaches

and I go to sleep to headaches-

they just don't seem to

want to go away,

like my body is a hostess and they

guests who have

overstayed their welcome.

It's not like 

they were welcome in the first place.


here I am,

with a headache again,

a pain between my eyes,

a suffering in my skull,

a sight that sometimes blurs,

and a girl who hides it all,

trying in vain not to let it show.


it shows.

Oh yes,

it shows. 

For the girl's father knows

but knows not of the knows to

make it all stop,

to relieve his daughter of her foes.

The girl woke up late, 

about 1:30PM,

a headache already formed,

staying throughout the day.

At four she finally ate,

despite not being hungry,

only eating because she thought

it would help

with the headache.

For a second, 

it did.

Eating dulled the pain,

but now it is back full force,

taking its toll on her brain.

Food doesn't help,

the music is all in vain,

nothing can help her brain,

nothing she thinks.

Either way,

things still must be done,

studying must come in the day,

for the girls has quizzes, 

homework, and chores-

all things needed to be done,

regardless of the pain she must succumb.


Song: Music to help with tension headaches or migraines. Natural isochronic tones - Jason Stephenson

No, the song didn't help. At all. 

Body {Prose Vol. 1}✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora