Chapter 3

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Ali P.O.V

After finally managing to muster up some courage I take a peak out the window and I sigh with relief when I see the group of guys gone. Thank the lord I think to my self and finally relax and I start to enjoy the rest of my latte. But looks like my luck ran out because I see the bench dip in front of my table. My breathing hitches and I silently prey to god it's not that sexy godlike creature.

I turn around to face the person and my grey blue eyes are met with amazing forest green eyes. Shit shit shit I think over and over in my head, it's him just stay calm Ali you got this just politely ask him to leave.  So lost in thought I don't realize he's leaning forward until he says "hello beautiful" in a deep silky voice which made me tingle in all the wrong ways. I lean back I'm my chair feeling uncomfortable with his closeness "umm hi??" I say more of a question. He chuckles at my reaction wow that's sexy I thought while raising a eyebrow at him. " can I help you dude" I say showing my annoyance at him. A dark look makes its way onto his face  when he hears my annoyance and I have to admit I'm a tiny bit scared (a lot)  " yes you can babe I want you to go on a date with me" he says calmly but I can tell he angry at my rudeness to him. " I'm uh... sorry you had to waste your time like this mister but it's a no. I.... Uh! Umm I'm a lesbian sorry." I squeak out, but I can tell he knows I'm lying. At first he looks amused then shocked and then this massive wave of anger rolls over him and I find myself cowering back into my chair.

We stay like this predator and prey in complete silence. I feel my blood drain from my body at his glaring my hands slick with cold sweat. I swallow nervously and wait for him to say something but all he does is stare. Feeling the atmosphere around us get thick with tension I decide it's my time to go. Slowly I gather my things not once taking my eyes of him incase he does something, once I've got everything I slid out of my chair and turn to walk away but not before I hear him say in dangerously low voice "what's your name" I turn around sharply with me breathing heavily "what" I whisper. He turns his gaze on me with his fists clenched and I swear if looks could kill I would be so dead right now. "What's your name" he says once more with deadly calm, now I have a sudden urge to lie to him "Lucy parkwood" I say trying to sound convincing but I know he didn't by it and without waiting for his reply I dashed out of the cafe and into the busy streets of New York. 
What a weird man I thought as I made my way to the shops.

Chapter three is done yay!! Thanks you to everyone who is reading means a lot to mean xx please like and comment.

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