Chapter 6

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I had trouble sleeping that night, I checked all the windows and doors twice in the night with me only getting a couple hours of sleep. By morning I was a complete mess, I was really jumpy and it didn't help that I was on my forth cup of coffee either.

After getting dressed and a light breakfast, I grab my phone, coat, purse and head out the door. As I walk I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, I stop and look around frantically but see no one. I quicken my pace and think to myself the sooner I get there the better, I know I should have taken a cab I scold myself.

As I'm about to cross the street to the police station I see these two massive guys in black make there way toward me, now I'm freaking out. OMG there here to kidnap me and kill me, what should I do?? Think Ali think" I scream at my mind. I know just act normal, turn around and go to the shops when they see that you are going to the shops they will leave you alone, then you can head to the safety of your home and call the cops. I reassure myself.

With my plan in my head I spin on my heel and make my way to the shops. As I'm in the street markets I make a couple sharp turns to loose them and after a couple minute I look behind me and breath a sigh of relief when I find them nowhere in sight. I Lean my back against a wall and put my hand on my racing heart.

Once I'm calm again and my pulse is down I head towards my apartment building. I can finally see it in my view, so distracted I bump into someone "ohh I'm soo sorry I wasn't watching where I was going" I apologise "no need dear it will take a lot more than you to knock me over" said the old man I bumped into. I smile at him but my eyes quickly catch something behind him. It's the two guys, my eyes widen with fear. "Once again I am sorry sir but I must go. I am late to a...uh... Party" I quickly say. " ohh of course dear. Bye bye" said the old man. With that I quickly walk away while shouting out a "bye".

I can see them gaining on my from the corner of my eye and now I'm full on sprinting for my life. When I see my apartment building door I pretty much fly up the stairs and run to the elevator pressing the button a million times. Just as the doors close I see the two men walk in, I give them a wink and stick my tongue out at them like a two year old. I am really tense so when the doors open I rush to my apartment ready to unlock it but I find that it's open. I don't even think about it and rush into the the apartment while slamming my door shut and doing all four locks. I sag against the door while all you could hear is my heavy breathing filling the room. As I replay the whole event in my mind I wonder why was my door open? I must of forgotten to lock it but then I remember closing the door on my way out. Now I'm really freaking out so I quickly fumble with lights and as soon as I turn them on I'm face to face with my nightmare.

It's him the guy from the cafe. Damian Knight!! I'm pulled out of my thought when I hear his smooth as honey voice. " hello Ali" he smirks ....

Hi guys chapter 6 is done. Once again I am sorry for any spelling and grammar issues but like I said in chapter one I'm not great with that. Thanks to everyone

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