Chapter 11

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**** Beau was not even trying to hide his grin as he shifted in the saddle. He adjusted his hat and added...

"Once we all figured out what was goin' on, it got to be an on goin' thing, 'specially for the hands. They had a regular game of their own goin' as to which one of ya was the cowboy 'n which one was the FBI Agent."

Kyle closed his eyes and shook his head.

"And we thought we were so clever."

Beau laughed again and clapped his son's shoulder. Bear always got a kick outa knowin' there was no "injins" as bad guys.

"Huh! Well, I don't know how he figured that out but he was right come ta think of it. We didn't fight indians, they were our friends and deputies. We were after wolves, bankrobbers, rustlers and land grabbers." He grinned.

"The only time it was a problem was when there was a known criminal on the loose or a rogue cougar or wolf pack was seen. But, you were good boys 'n stuck close to home most of the time when trouble was about. Besides, you had a lotta chores ta keep ya busy."

Beau became serious again and brought the subject back to the current issue.

"I take it, this all has ta do with the case Eli had been workin' on then and what's goin' on now?"

"Yeah. Eli kept his own notes an' was pretty good at keepin' copies of pictures, documents 'n such so he could study 'em any time he had the chance. And he was real security conscious about keepin' em private an' safe. Those guys were definately lookin' for somethin' specific like they knew he kept things there. An' Eli had that house..."

"Yeah, I know, son. He had about every safety device known ta man. He was bent on keeping somethin' besides his family safe. It was almost as if he knew Cherry would need the extra safety precautions."

"Yeah... I just wish he had confided in me more... I could've helped. Maybe he'd still be here."

Beau shook his head, "Don't do that, son. Don't second guess the situation. You don't know why he didn't share more with you. Knowin' him, there was a good reason."

As they neared the cabin both horses perked their ears up and slowed. The men dismounted and hid their mounts behind a group of trees by a little stream where they had access to grass and cool water. They heard so much noise coming from inside the cabin, it sounded like the place was being torn apart. Did they know what they were doing enough to find the hidden compartment in the floor? Were they the same men who ransacked Eli's home and terrorized Charity, Michael and the sitter?

"Beau, this is base over." Beau quickly turned the volume down on the walkie.

"There's a situation here. Keep your voice down till I get my bluetooth on, over."

The speaker immediately lowered his voice giving Beau the opportunity to put the bluetooth on and activate the device.

"Ok, I'm ready, do you read me? Over."

"Loud and clear, Beau. We've had an intruder alarm from..."

"The snowstorm cabin. Yeah, Kyle and I are here. We're hidden in the trees by the stream. Somebody's inside and wreckin' the place. Sounds like at least two people and they're lookin' for somethin' - real hard. Over."

"You both ok? Need help? Over." Beau had a thought and checked with Kyle. "When was the last time you checked your house for electronic devices, son?"

"There hasn't been much time when Charity or me hasn't been there. I've made sure she and Mikey hid out there unless I took them out myself. I don't know how anyone could've got in ta plant somethin'. Wait a minute..."

Alarm on his face he looked at his dad and grabbed his arm.

"Tell 'em to send a couple people over ta my place to check on Charity and Carlyn. Tell 'em ta call 911 and I said ta send a car over."

The caller heard Kyle's instructions and immediately notified ranch security and then 911.

Voice raised from inside th cabin. "I don't give a rat's a**! They were talking about a hiding place tha Eli and the Sheriff used as kids. This is the main place I've heard about."

"B...b...but, this c...c...cabin's out in the middle of no... w...where!"

"Yes! And..."

"It's a c...c...cabin for cripes sake! Out in the middle of n...n...nowhere!'s d...d...dirt outside, and, and, and no air con...con...conditioning and a wood fl...fl...floor for cry...cry...cryin' out loud!'s not even a! It's r...r...r...right outa the age!"

"Are you gonna whine about dirt and bugs again?"

"I can't help it, M...m...marvin. I'm a dweller. Concrete, m...m...marble and,'s per...per...perfect b...b...b...building m...m...materials.'s how p...p...people are supposed to live."

Still arguing, the two men left the cabin, unaware that Kyle and Beau had snuck closer but remained hidden. Kyle thought they looked familiar but couldn't place them. He took several pictures with his cell phone.

"We've got to find that stuff. The boss says it has proof that the agent gathered that'll put us all away."

"Well, l...l...l...look on bright s...s...s...side," the city dweller said while his partner frowned and looked at the sky as if asking for patience..

"And what might that be, George?" The leader asked.

"Well, w...w...w...we didn't f...f...f...find it in ca...cabin so m...m...maybe w...w...we won't ha...ha...have ta l...l...look there"

"You're pathetic ya know that, George? When you're given a job, you need to do the job... dirt or not. Besides, it wasn't dirty inside, even the sink was clean. You also need to do something about that speech impediment."

"Aw, M...m...marvin. was j...j...just m...m...mean. I do jobs j...j...just fine, I... j...j...just pref...f...fer to do 'em in city... you civilized places."

"And what about the agent's house, huh? It was civilized! You enjoyed bein' in that house - right? It was nice, all those cute little baby pictures and the little crib 'n playpen an' toys. I don't know why you broke all the weddin' pictures. That, that wasn't right, George."

"I di...di...didn't r...r...r...really like' it, b...b...but the b...boss said she w...w...wanted woman outa the p...p...picture." George said regretfully.

Marvin stopped midstep and stared at George. "Wanted her outa the picture? That's what the boss said?"

George turned back on Marvin, obviously not understanding where his partner was going with the line of questioning. "Y...y...yeah!'s what s...s...said! Wh...wh...what of it?"

"But, George. Don't ya see? She didn't mean to actually cut the woman outa the weddin' an' family pictures. She wants the woman... she wants the woman and the papers! Maybe even wants her nabbed. See?"

Beau and Kyle looked at each other in utter amazement. A more inept pair of crooks they had never seen. Kyle had the two on breaking and entering, possibly malicious mischief in regard to the cabin. But, Charity's house... now that was a different story.

He had recorded them admitting to breaking and entering, destruction of private property, malicious mischief, and making plans to commit a murder.

Hero Mine  (3B Hero Series) Book 3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang