Chapter 23

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**** Kyle sat down and unzipped the specifically altered leg of his jeans to double check the leg prosthetic. The announcer's voice told everyone that the bull riding would begin in about fifteen minutes, time enough for a snack or necessity break.

Kyle looked at the prosthetic leg that had been custom made to hold up to the riggers of hard riding. He wanted to be absolutely sure it fit properly and felt comfortable and secure.

 He wanted to be absolutely sure it fit properly and felt comfortable and secure

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He rechecked the fitting, boot - everything. He stood, putting weight on it while holding the pant leg aside so he could see the boot and position of the toe. He smiled at his parents across the designated area, trying to send confidence to them, particularly his sister/mother, Drina. She had been quite vocal about her strong misgivings regarding his participation in the bull riding. He knew he couldn't worry about her feelings right now, rather his concentration had to be on the job ahead, the bull ride to come.

A firm, strong hand grasped his shoulder from behind.

"You all set, son?" His adopted father, Beau Blanton asked quietly. "Just wondered if you might like to partake in the preride prayer like the Blanton men and 3B riders and contestants have done for years, remember?"

Kyle grasped his dad's shoulder in the same manner and smiled, eyes misting gratefully.

"I do remember and surely would like it, pop. I'd like that an awful lot."

As both men knelt and grasped each other's shoulders, neither were surprised when other participants, ranchmen, friends, clowns and bull fighters knelt in a circle around the two, removed their hats and placed a hand on the shoulder next to them.

Beau spoke in his deep, clear voice.

"Dear Lord, we gather here today on bended knee to thank You for all the blessins' You have so graciously bestowed on us. We thank You Lord for bringin' so many of our brave young men home from the far away battles where they fought and bled for the sake and safety of others. We thank You Dear God for the good harvest You gave us all and the fine young people that You put in our hands to help over the summer. We ask Lord that You go out into the arena with each and every one of these fine young men here. Ride with em all, keep them safe and help us all to remember that all we do here, all the kids we work with, all the work we do is in Your honor. We know that without Your love and help none of us would be able to help anyone. Ride with all these men today Lord, run with the clowns and the bull fighters and keep them safe. Send speed to their feet and strength to their arms and legs to hold their seat and dismount safely. We ask that You protect everyone here today Lord, send us all home safe and happy and help all the kids to remember that even when we can't be with 'em - You Sir, are. You are with them though out every part of the day and in everything they do. An' for myself Dear God I thank you from the bottom of my heart Lord for bringin' my boy home. I ask that You make him a light to everyone he comes into contact with who lives in darkness. Thank You again Lord. In Jesus' precious name we ask all this. Amen."

A chorus of quiet and heart felt, "Amens" filled the area. Kyle felt so filled with the love of his father, family, and friends how could he not feel the love and strength of Christ?

He realized again, how very fortunate he was to have all these men and women in his life. Beau grabbed him in a huge, hard hug which he was so glad to return. He was ready to face any bull, any criminal heck - any teenager out there.

"Aaaand now! The event we've aaaalll been waitin' for......the BULL RIDERS! While the riders are linin' up and gettin' ready doin' what each one does in preparation for their ride, I'd like ta introduce you all to our clowns and bull fighters.

Over the next several minutes, the announcer introduced the audience to the four clowns, each of which carried out his own performance and the four all important bull fighters.

He explained to those who were new to the rodeo world that the bull fighters were some of the most valuable people in the rodeo world. He introduced each one and gave a run down of his experience, awards and reputation. He explained that the bull fighters were among the bravest men in the rodeo, that they fearlessly put themselves in front of some of the meanest, biggest, fiercest bulls in the business. They put their lives on the line to make sure the cowboys left the arena as safely as possible.

He went on to tell of some of the exploits of each bull fighter that had saved the life of a cowboy, giving the audience an idea of how brave and important these talented and dedicated men were.

As Beau and Kyle walked to the bull chutes, the elder man noticed a cowboy stumble over a lariat. It reminded him of his father's last ride, his fatal ride, and gave him pause.

'Why would I have thought of that now? Today? Why? Did it mean anything? Was it a message, a warning?'

He stopped in his tracks and grabbed his son's arm. Kyle looked quizzically at him.

"What's wrong, pa?"

Beau wasn't sure if he should share the memory....

Something in the back of his mind told him to just mention the stumbling cowboy.

Kyle looked around until he saw the one in question and smiled.

"That's Archie Boulder, he's the younger brother of Tom Boulder. He got kicked by a bull when he and Tom were kids. Tom kept a watch over Archie as they were growin' up. There was some kind of problem when he was born and he was always a little slow. Anyway, their dad raised rodeo bulls and this one was particularly cantankerous one day. He got out of his pen an' was just wondering around. He saw both of the boys when a red wasp landed on his rump and laid the stinger down when Ole Wino's tail swished at him. He threw a tantrum and when the boys started runnin' he took out after 'em when Tom tripped an' fell. He'd sprung his ankle and would've been trampled if Archie hadn't turned into a bull fighter. He saved his brother's life but got head butted and stomped in the process. He had some broken ribs, took a couple dozen stitches an' was unconscious for a week or so. Tom's taken care of him ever since....where Tom goes, Archie goes, they were close before but almost inseparable now. He loves the bull riders and fighters....most everyone knows their story and we all watch out for 'im. He's a good guy."

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