Chapter 28

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**** Beau studied the young man that stood before him. What he saw was a man in pain, and not just physical pain. Beau looked him in the eyes... and felt for the man and the soul wrenching pain he was in.

"You wanna tell me about it?"

Brick knew the older man would think him insane but, the need to tell someone was almost overwhelming.

Looking the older man in the eyes he shook his head. He looked to the small cabin, where he could Brittany and the others through the windows.

"We should be dead right now."

Beau crossed his arms, "How so?"

"The blast," he shook his head as if he were at a loss to explain what had happened. "We all ran, but K.B. was still too close... I wasn't able to get to him in time."

Beau smiled, "But...."

The large man was visibly shaken at the memory, "There was another man... a man in the fire..." shaking his head, "he went through the inferno... he... walked... right... through the flames... like he didn't even notice it. But, his skin... it wasn't burned... it wasn't even singed. He... he was the one that saved K.B... I just... followed orders."

Beau, smiling now spoke softly, "This man, what did he look like, and what orders did he give?"

Brick found himself sitting on the hard ground, hands shaking. "He was a Ranger, full battle dress. He... he looked," Brick closed his eyes tight and shook his head. "He... he looked... you're gonna think I'm crazy. But he looked..."

"Like a younger Rowdy?" Beau asked quietly, a slight smile on his face and awe in his voice.

Brick sat up and stared at him, mouth dropping open. "Yes." He answered in a hushed voice.

"He... he brought K.B. out, he... layed him down and told me to get them and myself safety, and await further orders. He said to do for them what I could, that you and Rowdy would be here shortly."

Beau took a shuddering breath and wiped his eyes, smiled and laid a hand on Brick's shoulder and squeezed.

"Believe me Brick, I do not think you're crazy. You have been given the rare gift of seeing a 3B miracle."

Brick was obviously confused and shook his head.

"I don't believe in miracles. Not real ones. I've heard of them, sort of wondered about them occasionally when someone survived, but..." He shook his head, his brain was unwilling to accept what his eyes had seen.

"The man you saw was Rowdy's twin brother, Brody. He was KIA on a mission that went bad. He pushed Rowdy aside... gave his life for his brother, and... me."

Brick just stared at the older man, not sure what to think but he certainly hadn't expected that.

"It took Rowdy a long time to come to terms with his brother's death. He felt it should have been him, survival guilt has eaten him alive at times."

Brick nodded, "Surviver's guilt, I know what that is, I've felt it. I can't imagine how much worse it would be with a brother. Were they close?"

Beau nodded, "We all were, they called us the 3 musketeers. Not sure why we were allowed to stay together in the same unit, but it worked and we were blessed to have had that additional time together. To have done good together."

Brick looked at the ground, "You say the man I saw... was this Brody? So... if I'm understanding you correctly you're saying that I saw a ghost... a... spirit... an angel that has... Um has appeared in emergencies before?"

The older cowboy smiled, "That's exactly what I'm sayin'. He and my dad look over the place. They appear now and again in times of need. Brody is always seen in full battle dress; he shows up, does what needs to be done, sometimes he'll say something... not always. But... when the situation is under control... he leaves."

Brick shook his head, "I know I saw it, saw him but I can't believe what I saw! That just... isn't possible. Miracles don't really happen... angels don't really exist." His voice lowered to a whisper.

"But... I saw it... I saw that man... he just walked out of the smoke and right through the fire. He went right to K.B. like he already knew where he was, picked him up and brought him to me. I swear it looked just like a younger version Rowdy."

Beau nodded, "They were identical twins. Pulled a lot of pranks on a lot of people through the years and had a load of fun doin' it." Beau chuckled. "I was the butt of some of those jokes till I learned to tell 'em apart."

"Why? I mean, I really have heard and read of similar thing but I never believed them. I know what I saw and I still can't believe it."

"I can't begin to tell you why he chose to appear to you at that time. Why he chose to allow you to witness K.B's rescue. But I can only tell you that it has happened to just a very few people on the ranch. No one knows why The Good Lord does what He does, only that there is a reason. We may not understand it but it's there all the same."

"I've never been much of a religion fan. I don't know anything about this God you all say is there and all."

"You may not know Him, son; but He knows you and He has just given you a sign that He is there. The only question is....have you chosen to accept Him into your life?"

Brick turned to look the older man in the eyes. The pain Beau saw there was heart breaking. He understood and overjoyed that he was being led to guide Brick spiritually and to teach him about the Word of God as Drina had with him .

Brick nodded, "I am, sir. But,...I don't know how."

Beau nodded, "That's why I'm here, son. The Good Lord has given me the opportunity to help and guide you. It would be an honor to pray with and for you son, but you're the one who has to let Him in."

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