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This chapter is having no grammar corrections just like my old days cause i'm fucking done

I tried to refrain.... I did.. I tried to hold my self the fuck back but everywhere and every time I saw this I wanted to bash my head with a fucking rock do the old puff and pass but instead of a joint replace that shit with bleach.

I don't know if you can tell by now but by the chapter name i'm actually gonna be talking about fucking Clockwork

In other words, everything I hate in a fucking OC-I try and I swear I try my hardest not to directly attack anyone's OCs but I just can't sit by and let this shit continue without my input and i'm ready to roast and I will gladly roast any other pastas ya'll want me to roast because i'm fuckin ready

Where do I fucking begin? Oh yeah, the fact that you think just saying "time is up" fucking justifies putting that fucking clock bullshit into your theme. Really? Time is against everyone fucker and I certainly know it's against me, don't fucking mean i'm gonna shove a fucking watch in my eye-BTW The fucking skin around that eye is going to get fucking infected and rot because you literally just fucking stuck a dirty watch in there without any disinfectant. 

You're crazy cause you draw gore? Motherfucker I doodle gore on the daily as my sort of venting technique which don't fucking mean i'm "Crazy"

"Oh but NJN, she's crazy1!!!1!!1!" Bitch where? What fucking source? Go to my "mental disordes" chapter and fucking show me what Psychopathic traits she exhibits besides being really fucking edgy. 

Another thing about her story; How the fuck-I mean please, really, tell me-how in the ever-loving fuck did she kill those security guards? Fucking tell me, I need to know. Where in her shit story does it say she's trained in fighting to take out fucking security guards? Security guards usually are meant to be trained and-in fact-have way more effective weapons on them like fucking guns than a fucking pocket knife. I'm also pretty sure the fucking security guards that actually guard Doctors who handle the mentally insane would be a lot more trained than to let some fucking noodle armed 17 year old with a fucking pocket knife kill them. 

How the fuck is she even able to kill anyone in the first place? She has no history in taking any fighting class, plus from her fanart she's also fucking anorexic. I can't see anyone but fucking Zarya from Overwatch killing anyone with a pocket knife, let alone this edgy cunt.

It's just so impractical and so fucking stupid and I wish for death and you can be pissed at me all you want I don't give a shit.

This wasn't a cliche but you can use this as a whatever-the-fuck guide example of what not to do.

I just

I just really needed to get this off my chest-then again this is just my opinion. If you get angry and feel the need to be like "You PrICK!!!!!11!!!11!!" Then you can promptly fuck off or leave that shit here, I wouldn't really care. You read the summary, I put a warning in the summary; but you kept going ahead and reading this story anyways.

"She's a Prince of Space" jokingly said, by my god tier obsessed bud.

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