Chapter 2

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(Pictured Above: the shop, Susanna and Russell O'Malley)

The few days that followed were much the same to Emmeline. A storm had kept Emmeline from returning to the Wilbourn household. There weren't many people out and about due to the severity of the storm so Emmeline occupied herself with preparing treatments for the many colds sure to follow the storm. In all the chaos she was visited by a friend, Susanna O'Malley. The daughter of a local lawyer, Susanna's and Emmeline's were close friends. Susanna was the sister Emmeline never had. When Emmeline's mother died the O'Malley family practically moved in with them to help keep the mourning pair afloat.

"I am supposed to tell you that mother sends you her best wishes as per usual," Susanna quips, taking a seat behind the counter. "Oh and that once your father is in good health that the two of you must come for dinner."

"I am afraid that will not be very soon. It seems his body has decided it is almost time for him to be with my mother and I am barely surviving here as it is."

"I am sorry Emmeline. Although I doubt your father will go without a fight. He wouldn't leave you here without knowing you're taken care of."

"It pains me to see him like this. He would never admit it to me but I know he is ready to be called home. I wish I could tell him not to worry about me. I am scared to live in a world without him but I know I shall be able to make my way on my own. I've been doing things on my own for a good two years now.  The only thing missing is a husband, and even then I am not concerned in the least about that. I do believe I will become the town's old maid. Look at Claire Hollbrook. She's perfectly fine on her own and the best seamstress within six counties." Emmeline and Susanna both burst into a fit of giggles.

"Who knows Emmy, you could meet someone at the ball. A tall, dark, and handsome stranger could sweep you off your feet. You'll lock eyes across the room and suddenly he is whisking you onto the dance floor. And as you're dancing, when you're held tight in his arms, you know that is where you belong." Susanna says wistfully, looking out the window into the pouring rain.

"Whose fantasy are you picturing, mine or yours? Besides, I think being an old maid would suit me quite nicely. I will still go to the ball however. I am dying to see what this Earl of Wesleyan is like. I swear I've never seen so many mothers purchasing medicines before their daughters are ill for fear they could get a chill before the ball."

"He will be the prized hog, I am sure Lady Wilbourn is reveling in it since her husband is hosting it. I'm sure she's already ordered Lydia four different gowns."

"She lectured Lydia and I about the importance of settling down the last time I went to check on her. I am sure she will have at least twenty bachelors armed and aimed at us when we walk through the door."

"Can you handle twenty bachelors? Why it seems you can hardly handle the thought of one."

"I cannot, but I know you can my dear." It was true, Susanna could make any man fall for her in a single glance, not that she would fall for them.

"Oh if you really need my help I may be able to be of service."

"I am so glad I was able to get the assistance of such a prominent young debutant. I'm sure they will all flock to you once they realize that I am a 20 year old shopkeeper."

"Good, maybe one of them will be my match." Emmeline rolls her eyes at her friend. "Now if you'll excuse me. I must return home. Ma doesn't want me to get caught in the storm at twilight. I shall see you at the ball alright? One week from Friday. I may be able to handle twenty men but I'm not about to do it alone."

"I shall be at Wilbourn house regardless. Lady Margaret wants to make sure everyone is in good health so I am to leave Thursday."

"Then I expect you to be looking extra pretty seeing as though you'll have an extra day of pampering with all those servants that woman employs."

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