Chapter 33

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"Now Papa, I will be back later tonight. Reverend Ellis should be here soon. Lord Hargrave was kind enough to send a page along if anything happens I can be back within a half an hour."

"As I said the first time you told me, my dear, that was far too kind of him. I do not want you to worry about me at all tonight.  Have a grand adventure. I will be in good spirits knowing you are in such pleasant company. Let your worries rest easy for the night and enjoy yourself. It has made me so happy to see you so happy these past few months." Emmeline hugs her father tightly, wiping a small tear from her eye.

"Thank you Papa." She kisses his cheek and exits the room. She retrieves the bag with her dress and the small bit of makeup she owned. She tucked the ribbons she found for Matilda into her bag.  She checked to make sure she had the medicine she needed to give Lord Hargrave. Satisfied that she had everything, she takes her leave.


"I do not believe they shall even notice your sling. Although maybe you should have allowed Matilda decorate it as she wished to."

"Because that would not draw any more attention to it. "Daniel rolls his eyes, "I do not think she has slept the past four days."

"She is simply excited for the ball, and who could blame her? I think this could be the finest bunch of people I will ever meet."

"You aren't helping her excitement Charles, filling her head with stories of the fairies at the ball."

"Miss. Somers planted the idea in her head, I simply went with it. Besides, this ball is in my honor, is it not? To welcome me to the neighborhood since your welcome was cut short due to Matilda's illness. We are going to be the prized peacocks tonight, and I am ready to prance." Charles struts around Daniel's study.

"I do not know why you went into the Navy when you could've thrived as aristocrat."

"But the ladies do not swoon over aristocrats." Charles collapses on the couch dramatically, "All I have to do is mention that I have tales from sea and I have at least five ladies hanging on my every word." 

Daniel rolls his eyes.

"One of these days Charles, a young lady is going to see through all of your flair and that is when you'll be in trouble."

"I do not think I am the one to worry about. Your heart, dear brother, is plain as day to see. It's right there on that bandaged sleeve of yours."

"If I were worried about where my heart's place was, you would be the last to person on earth to hear about it. Now enough talk of love. We need to get you looking like a presentable gentleman."

A light knock is heard at the door.

"Enter." Charles says in an exaggeratedly deep voice. Emmeline quietly slips in.

"Miss. Somers, how lovely to see you. I did not realize the ball was starting so early." Charles waggles his eyebrows.

"Shhh, I do not want Matilda to know I am here yet." she whispers. "If she finds out, I won't have time to check on my patient." She sets her bag down, "Speaking of, how are you feeling Lord Hargrave? Have the exercises been helping?"

"Very much so, and my leg no longer feels any pain, so I will be ready to dance tonight."

"Is there any tenderness when you touch your shoulder?"

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