Chapter 8

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Pictured above: Top left- Lady Margaret, top right-Cecelia, bottom- Lydia


"You are looking well today Lady Wilbourn. Has the ball revived your spirits?" Emmeline asks as she examines the elderly woman.

"You are a very observant girl, and it wasn't the ball my dear. The Earl has graciously invited Lydia and I to Mooreland Park for tea next Tuesday. I just received word of it before you arrived."

"Why that is wonderful news!"

"Yes it is, but it's only tea. You would think after he so rudely stood us up at the ball on Friday that he would at least invite us to dinner."

"His daughter was sick m'lady. He did not wish to leave her side."

"I never let my children keep me from a dance, especially one held in my honor. That is what governesses are for. I suppose you never understood that my child." Lady Margaret says, sitting up abruptly as Emmeline continues her examination.

"I am sure he feels extremely sorry. He is still getting used to country customs. I hope in due time you will find his temperament pleasing to you."

"His temperament means nothing to me. It is Lydia's impression on him I am worried about. I wished their first introduction to be here, where Lydia could shine. We now have not a clue what we are walking into."

"Are you implying you wish the Earl to marry Lydia?" Emmeline asks, a shocked look on her face.

"Why yes of course, he is moving up in years with no heir to his fortune and Lydia has a grand enough dowry to interest him. Are you done with your examination? I promised Lady Lucas I would write her and I have yet to do so."


Daniel watched his daughter playing in the small courtyard. Matilda had not taken off the apron Miss Somers had given her. She also insisted that her hair be braided. Daniel had attempted several times to do the seemingly simple hairstyle but wound up putting knots in her hair. It took a lesson from one of the maids to fully get the concept but he still dared not try again in fear that he would destroy his daughter's golden curls. He would have to get Miss Somers to teach him properly. He was rather looking forward to her weekly visits. Seeing the smile she brought to Matilda's face made his heart happy. Part of his insistence on the weekly visits was selfish, if he were being honest. The young lady's headstrong yet patient demeanor was refreshing to him. Based on his meeting with Lady Margaret, Daniel would need an ally in the small hamlet he now called home. She had nearly boxed his ears for not coming to her gala. 
He did the proper thing and invited her and her daughter over for tea.

Was it coincidence that it was also the day that he secured Miss Somers to come spend time with Matilda? Well Daniel was a strategic man. If Lady Margaret was as unpleasant as she seemed from their first encounter, the young Miss Somers would be a great distraction from the pretentious woman. He had met many a woman like her in London. Mothers were constantly forcing their daughters upon him. He allowed one too many of them in after the death of his wife, thinking a female presence would be good for Matilda. Alas, many of the women did not take to the small girl as he hoped someone would. They were more interested in the latest gossip and finding a husband than getting to know his little girl. Daniel wished to remarry, but he did not plan for his second marriage to be a girl he simply fancied. He needed someone that would love his little girl as much as he did. Daniel got so tired of the false claims that he decided to move out to the country.

He suspected Lady Margaret would thrust her daughter Lydia upon him, but this time he was prepared for it. He would dodge her advances in the slightest ways possible so that they were unaware that he was shifting the focus. Lydia was probably a fine girl, but Daniel wanted a woman to come of her own free will. Cecelia, his first wife, loved him to be sure, but she too was a debutante forced upon him. He cared very deeply for his first wife because she had given him the most important person in his life: Matilda.


"Daniel I wish you would not fuss over her as you do. The nursemaid will do a fine job looking after her. We must go now. We cannot be late for our first night back in society. Whatever will be written in the society pages?" Daniel looks lovingly down at his sleeping daughter. His beloved wife Cecelia waited at the door of the nursery. "Come now husband, if we don't leave now we never will, and Matilda will have to live in ruin since her father couldn't let go of her for one night. Now what will she think of that?" Cecelia says, taking her husband's arm.

"Oh alright, I suppose she will be fine for the night."

"And when we return you may hold onto her for the rest of the evening." Cecelia laughs, "Now come Daniel, society awaits us." Daniel reluctantly gives Matilda to the nursemaid and walks with Cecelia to the carriage.

"I must say you are looking ravishing tonight my love." Daniel says as he helps Cecelia into the carriage.

"I was wondering when you were going to notice." Cecelia smirks.

"Well you look lovely, no one would suspect you had a child not two months ago." Daniel says, kissing his wife's hand.

"I could have rejoined society weeks ago if it weren't for your insistence that we wait a whole two months."

"I only want what's best for you and Matilda."

"You are going to spoil that girl rotten, and then will she be suitable for marriage with her father indulging her at every whim."

"She hasn't spent even a year in this world yet my love. Let us not worry about her impending marriage contracts quite yet. Maybe when she reaches half a year."

"She is the daughter of an Earl, her marriage will be planned in advanced, just as ours was. Better that we find a suitable family early then let her fall to ruin when her passions begin to arise."

"Do you wish our daughter to not find love, dearest wife?"

"Of course I wish she finds love, but her life will never be traditional. I pray one day she will grow to love whomever we pick out for her. It is what happened to us and we turned out all right."

"You are right my dear." Daniel says, taking Cecelia's hand in his. He looks out the window of the carriage, thinking of the life already planned for his daughter.


I am so sorry with the horrible updating! University is kicking my butt this semester. I hope y'all liked this chapter. It was a lot of fun to write.

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