Chapter Nine.

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Two days had passed since the night I killed that rouge, threatened my father and scared, or at least made the pack weary of me. When I looked back on it I could have handled things with dad more tactfully but what’s done is done. I’d been left alone by everyone but Pierre, though even he kept his distance. I guess that they were cautious now after seeing that I could in fact take down a wolf.  

After I’d rested I went down to the doctor to make sure that the baby was ok and to ask him what exercises or activities I should avoid. As it turns out, there weren’t that many things I should avoid; obviously fighting was one. I’d been eating protein packed foods that didn’t make me sick, as well as the crackers to help get back in shape. I spent a lot of time in the gym and swimming and soon I was in better shape than I had been for the past few months.

I was swimming when Jenna marched out of the house with Klaus, my parents and four enforcers; Pierre included. As they approached I easily hauled myself out of the water, pulling up my top a little as they all approached. I grabbed my towel and began drying my hair, looking at them inquisitively.

“Eve.” Jenna ran a hand through her hair as she stood before me. “We’ve seen how tough you are; how resilient and strict. I… we, were hoping that you could use these guys as test subjects and show them how you train, see if it would be beneficial to add your training to our resume.” I knew this was their way of apologising; none of us were very good with talking things out and I knew this was as good as it was going to get. I was fine with that though.

Slowly I looked over the group for any signs of hesitancy but I found none. At least Jenna wasn’t forcing them into it. My mind began working as I thought about what I could do and how I could build their fitness and endurance. “I’ll do it, but there will be no complaints, no questioning me and no intervening.” I laid down my terms and waited as Jenna turned to Pierre and his friends. 

They all agreed so I turned around and walked into the pack house. “Your training begins tomorrow.”


I silently crept through the hallways to Pierre’s room. The door creaked lightly as I closed it behind me and walked over to his sleeping form. The walls were soundproof so I had no need to be quiet for fear of waking everyone else up, not that it would’ve stopped me even if they could hear.

 I began clapping the lids of the pots together. “Pierre get up! Time for training!” He groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes.

“Baiser!” He groaned, looking up at me. “What the hell Eve?” I stopped banging and grabbed the foot peeking out from underneath the covers. Before he knew what had happened, I’d yanked him out of his bed and his body hit the floor with a loud thump.

“Time for training.”

He looked at me with disbelieving eyes and then to the clock on his bedside table. “It’s four thirty in the morning!”

I nodded and raised an eyebrow. “Get up and get dressed now or you’re out.”

He muttered under his breath as he began getting dressed and I left to wake up the others after telling him to meet me in the gym.

It was basically the same routine with each wolf until there were four angry males waiting for me when I walked into the gym.

“I will not go easy on you and it will be harder than any training you’ve had before. I don’t accept whining or weakness. This is your last chance to leave.”

None moved so I led them to the treadmills and told them to stretch before putting them on the machines. I walked in front and began interval training; they would sprint and then they’d jog. As time passed I began increasing the speed and incline and decreasing the time between rests.

Their breathing was heavy and they were dripping sweat after the first hour but I pushed them harder. They did three hours of running before I let them have a break, throwing them bottles and water and towels as the collapsed.

I let them rest before they did circuits, weights and more running. Once I let them go, they back to their rooms and I asked the kitchen ladies to send them up a wrap with egg, tuna and salad and lots of water.

“Eve!” I turned around to see Jenna walking towards me. “How’d they go?”

I shrugged and took a big sip of water. “Fine.”

“Just fine?” She asked, leaning against the bench and crossing her arms.

“If you’re looking for the truth it’s that they have the will and the drive but they’re unfit and lacking, I know humans that can do better. You work on fighting styles and that’s all well and good, but you don’t work on endurance and muscle building; two things that are imperative when training the men that protect the pack.”

“And you want to train them?” She asked.

I shrugged again and took another sip. “No, most of them probably won’t listen to me but I can tell you what you should do to have them in the best fighting condition of their lives.”

She considered it for a moment before nodding. “You can sit in on our next training session.”

Without another word I walked out of the room, back to the gym where I’d cycle for a while. Things had been strained between me and my family but it seemed that things were being resolved slowly.

I cycled for three hours and by the end my legs were thoroughly worked out and my lungs burnt, I felt good though.

For the rest of the day I relaxed in the pool and read a few books but I knew that I wouldn’t be able to do this for much longer. I was a soldier and it made my life hectic, tough, exciting and totally worth it; I couldn’t just sit around and do absolutely nothing all day.

You couldn’t just flick a switch and sit back, completely relax; the instincts that drove me, that had been drilled into every soldier couldn’t just be turned off.

Maybe helping the pack would keep me occupied? I could only hope.

It's short so I only want ten comments for an early update (no multiple comments *you know who you are*); I can guarantee that the next chapter is much longer and way more interesting.  Thanks for all your support!

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