Chapter Thirteen.

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 “Get that out of my face!” I yelled, smacking away the fake spider as everyone in the area laughed, Griff clutching his stomach.

“B-but y-your-r face!” He gasped. “Priceless.”

I let my features mould into one of pain as I grasped my protruding stomach; six months now. I grunted in pain and bent over, watching as he noticed and slowly stopped laughing. “What’s wrong?”

I sucked in a breath and whimpered. “I-I think I just went into l-labour!” His eyes widened in panic as he and a few others rushed towards me. Just as Griff got close enough my fist rammed his cheek and he fell backwards as I stood. “Do it again and I’ll break your body.” I said in an overly cheery tone. Gosh, pregnancy really had made me psychotic... well more than usual.

“You should have been an actor Eve; that was pretty convincing, I was scared myself.” Pierre said, walking up to me. I smiled and turned my head to the door where the hulking figure of my mate stood. Three months and we still hadn’t gotten far; he didn’t like to talk and I wasn’t the most open person, but I was working on it.

He was still very protective but he realised that I didn’t like Griff in that way and kind of got over it. I think most of the time he tries to ignore the fact that I’m pregnant and that doesn’t help but sometimes when I’m sick or hungry he looks after me… or tries to. I think he’s suffered a lot of trauma and that’s probably why he was so closed off and cold; I didn’t blame him, I was like that too.

I pushed past Pierre and walked over to him. He looked down as I tilted my head up to meet his gaze. “Do you want to watch a movie with me?”

It was the first thing that came to mind but I wanted to spend time with him. I thought he’d just walk away but he nodded and allowed me to drag him to the theatre. There was already a movie in the projector; a romantic comedy, so I left it and sat down next to Kade.

The lights were off and the movie began. To be honest it was less of a comedy and way more romance. Half way through I began to get sleepy and my head hit his shoulder.  For a few seconds he made no move until I felt his arm wrap around my shoulders. A small smile spread across my face as I breathed in his scent and moved closer to his warmth.

Things would be ok.


“What’s going on?” I asked, my voice sounding like I’d shoved a toad down my throat. I coughed and looked around; Kade was carrying me upstairs and the pack was rushing about frantically. “What’s going on?” I asked again as we descended the steps.

His eyes met mine briefly before he looked away, choosing to watch his step instead. “There’s another pack here.”

“Which pack?” I questioned, trying to sit up. He grunted as he held me tighter and shook his head. “I can walk up the stairs you know; I’m not an invalid.” He grunted again but gentle set me back down on my feet. With his hand on the small of my back he guided me up the stairs to my room.

When we got to my room he locked the door behind him and sat down in one of my chairs as I lay on the bed on my back, rubbing my belly. I felt a kick and a light giggle escaped my lips. A large hand covered mine and I looked up to see Kade staring at my stomach in confusion. I took his hand and gently ran it over where my baby moved.

It kicked again and for a moment I saw his tough exterior fall away to be replaced by a vulnerable human being; it was gone in a second though as he backed away and dropped back into the chair.

I sighed and closed my eyes, dozing off before there was a knock on the door. Kade opened it to reveal a flustered Pierre and Gunner. Their eyes widened at the sight of me and rushed forward.

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