Chapter Nineteen.

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“Good to see you’re back.” Jenna said as she strode out of the house. “The family has been locked in the prison with their sister and I will challenge you after the executions; for that is what you plan to do, yes?”

I nodded and walked into the house with my bag. “I’ll let her stew for a bit, let her think of the things that will be done to her family before I kill them all.” I’d been gone for two days and the only sleep I had gotten had been on the planes.

Without another word I trekked up to my bedroom and fell flat on my face onto the bed as soon as I entered. I shuffled around a bit and when I took a deep breath, the familiar scent of Kade comforted me. “You’ve been sleeping in my room?” I asked, knowing that he would be here.

Footsteps approached the bed as I snuggled into a pillow and my boots were pulled off. I heard the rustle of material before a large body settled on the bed beside me, curling against my back. I sighed and my eyes fluttered closed as his breath hit my neck.

I didn’t fall asleep but rather floated on the cusp of unconsciousness, completely relaxed.  I felt weightless and completely warm with Kade’s huge body behind me and one heavy arm encircling my waist. For the first time in a long time I didn’t panic when someone slept next to me and that bought a small to my face.

A few hours later as the sun rose high in the sky there was a knock at the door. Kade moved and stood, answering the door in only his pants. His back was muscular and I admired it my eyes tracing the white scars that criss- crossed across his body; it looked like he’d been whipped and I knew that I had similar marks on my body.

“Is Eve here?” It was my dad, Hansel so I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes.

“I’m here.” I stood and padded over to where Kade blocked the doorway. I pushed past him and leant against the doorframe as one of his arms wound around my waist. “What’s wrong dad?”

He smiled as he looked from me to Kade. “Nothing, Jenna simply wanted to know if you were ready to begin the execution.”

I nodded and turned to look out the window. “I am, please ask her to ready the pyres.” I turned, Kade letting me go and closing the door as my dad left, and slipped my boot back on.

He slipped his shirt back on and when I stood, he was watching me. “Thanks for taking off my shoes, I was exhausted.”

He nodded and continued to stare at me. Sometimes I wished that he talked a bit more but then I would try to understand that he had his reasons for not speaking and that it was a part of his personality, just like the military was, or had been a part of me.

“What are you going to do during the executions?” I half hoped that he wouldn’t be there because I didn’t want him to see what I was about to do.


I sighed and ran a hand through my hair; he would think me a monster. “Let’s go then.” Without a backwards glance I opened my door and headed down the stairs. As I passed, wolves immediately moved out of my way and bowed their heads to me. I could feel Kade’s presence directly behind me as I walked out the door towards the prison; it was comforting and unsettling.

Jenna was waiting for me at the entrance to the prison and looked behind me in confusion. “What’s Kade doing with you?”

I shrugged and was extremely surprised when he answered her question. “Protecting her.”

Jenna shot me a weird look before nodding and opening to the metal door. It lead to a set of stairs that lead to the cells underground where the traitors, rouges and enemies of the pack were held.

The Resilient MateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon