~27~ Leo's Pizza is a strange slice of life.

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 "All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine. So certainly there's nothing wrong with a little pizza on our time." ~ Jeff Spicoli


Across the plaza from the Maltese Theater sits Leo's Pizzeria. Which oddly enough turns out to be a very odd spot, even for San Fall strange. When we walk in, the place is empty of almost all intelligent life, with the hazy atmosphere has a familiar fragrance of dank green grass in the air. What little intelligence there is left, seems to be hiding underneath the long front counter. As evidenced by the antenna fan of blonde braids undulating up over the countertop. I'm getting the distinct sense that this dude playing hide-n-seek under the counter, just had one of those "Crap customers! Hide the bong Bro!" moments, as we unexpectedly walked in "mid-managering meeting".

Two more white bread dreadhead dudes are in the back of the open air kitchen, just leaning just outside the open back door staring up at the night sky all nonchalantly. Probably pondering the mysteries of the universe under the stars above, as they air out from the last "managering meeting".  

I already like this spot a lot, because these are exactly my kind of pizza dudes. They're exactly what you'd expect from the kind of hazers who found a place to get the best grindage for the least ducats. Then they all got jobs there as co-assistant managers for life.

"Yo bro, just let me know, when you know ...or not?" The Dude hiding under the front counter causally comments. All the while still intently searching for something important out of sight, probably the aforementioned managering paraphernalia?

"So here we are at Leo's Pizza. In my humble opine, the best pizza in the Three Valleys." May smiles sweetly.

"Maybe?" Pizza Dude finally pops an eye up over the countertop.

As I already suspected his hazy eyes are so blazing red they look like they're on fire. The Dude immediately throws me a questioning look of "Are you cool?". It's the sort of paranoiac stare that only super stoners and four year old's with their hand in the cookie jar cannot seem to quite pull off.  

"Pizza?" I eye roll him over.

"Yes, please. So what's your poison tough guy?" May asks all innocently, but I already know that this another one of her tricky tests. Probably because you can tell a lot about someone's religion by what kind of pizza they order.

"I think I am going to go with locals only this time." I easily avoid her first tricky trap. "So your spot, your call."

"Mmmm ...so I don't exactly have a go-to blind date night slice," May smirks wryly. "So being that I am an adventurous type of connoisseur in the let's see where the night takes me mood ...maybe we should try out some strange?"

"Cause you never know what can happen when you mix strange stuff together? You might be surprised when trying a new slice of life. But within reason of course, and by reason I mean anchovies." She snorts. "Because there is no reason to ever put sushi on pizza pie in my humble opine. I mean seriously what kind of heretic would do that to good cheese and seasoned meat?"

"Heathen hordes of malcontents." I wholeheartedly agree with her prejudicial stance. "And you are absolutely right, there is no call whatsoever for that sort of sacrilege."

"Okay then, so I'm thinking salami, pastrami, raw red onions and roasted red peppers on a garlic crust, with extra garlic." May rattles off at the unsuspecting Dude the all-time evil eye baited breath pizza pie.

I'm thinking that in honor of "Blind Date Night", maybe this choice is to ward off the unwanted onset of the dreaded first date kiss ...or Vampires? Because no one in their right mind, would ever scarf down a slice of this thing, then lean in to make an amours move. You'd have to be married for ten years and a day to even think that's okay, on the nonce. So I raise the stakes and call her at her game.

Fall in MayNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ