~52~ The New Cool Pool Rules

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"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~ Albert Einstein


I am really looking forward to finally getting expelled from Hell today. Or at least at minimum getting suspended for the bloodbath I plan on having in PE class. Beause me and Captian Midnight? Yeah, we are so gonna dance with the Devil today.  

I know Chad well enough by now, that when he got the message I sent him through Corky, it's gonna drive him nuts. He is way too far into his world of cocky stupid bullshit to back down now. So he'll have to egg on the confrontation with me to save face in front of the mirror. Which is when I will push him right over the edge into Insanistan badlands. At which point, one of us is going to the hospital and the other to jail. 

But at least one way or another, this thing with Captian Midnight is going to be done today. Because pushing up on me is one thing, but endangering May with his bullshit? Yeah, I'm thinking death by misadventure does have a very nice ring to it after all.

Alas, poor Chad we knew him well ... all the dark voices in my head agree with me that this is a great idea. Except for El Diablo, who thinks we should handle our business on the sly, preferably with rusty razors.   

Except none of that happens the way that it is supposed to. Because as soon as I get to PE class, there is no trace of Captian Midnight to be had. Instead, I get good time Brad, the cool pool dude.

"Hey guys, I'm Brad Weston." Brad waves around the class like he is friendly, which seriously confuses the crap out of the cluster of freshmeat. 

It's only been a little more than a month since school started, so the freshmeat are already used to be hated for their stupidity. So when someone in authority is actually acting friendly towards them on purpose? Yeah, all that fake friendly is highly suspect. But then Brad looks right at me and doesn't even blink as he gives us the big news. 

"Okay everybody, so FYI Coach Collins sorta had some ...personal stuff come up?" He awe shucks this stupidity away with a shrug. "So yeah, he had to quit this morning. Which means that I am gonna be your substitute teacher coach guy for a while, maybe even the rest of the year? So any questions so far?" 

All the freshmen have suddenly perked up considerably. As Brad opens his arms widely to give the impression that he is, in fact, their savior from shower time. And not just the next guy in a long line of people who want to smack the crap out of them for being "so stupid new".  

"Okay great, no questions. So if it's alright with everyone here, I was gonna put one of you guys in charge of this class ...as your class leader guy? At least until I get the hang of the curriculum? So let me see..." I watch as Brad pretends to check the role sheet for the new "glorius leader". I already have a bad feeling exactly where he is headed with this whit.   

"Dean? You're the only upperclassman in this section, so you're the new class leader. Congrats."  He says with a completely straight face. "So Dean...what are we doing today?"

"You're serious? Chad ran?" I cannot believe I am being denied my shot at the title.

"Completely serious." Brad nods slowly for emphasis. "Coach Collins no longer works here anymore, as of this morning."

"And you're the new ...whatever?" I side eye good time Brad suspiciously.

"Correct-a-mundo. So what are we doing today, Dean?" He repeats as positively as possible.

"We could always go find Chad and wave farewell." I suggest to see how far he is willing to go with this farce. 

"To late, he's long gone." Brad shakes me off my farewell beat down. "So swim?"

Fall in MayNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ