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Flashback Around 1030 AD Crete, Greece:

"Why?" It seemed to be her favorite question and it drove Tydeus insane. He'd caught her sneaking around again, though it was not like he was able to stop her. She seemed to know he would eventually catch up to her and would purposely leave a trail for him to follow. 

"Because he broke a law, a human discovered our secret," he replied moving so he was perched beside her. They were hidden behind the stone wall of a part of the house that neither of them were allowed to frequent. 

"Human's are our food, do you not think they deserve to know that?" She questioned.

"Humans will fear us, that is true. But they also have a tendency to lash out and we do not want that. Not everyone is impervious to fire like myself."

"Only on the outside." She replied looking down as Mathias removed the head of a vampire and set him alight. "Venom still burns." 

"Andromeda, Tydeus, come down here." They both stiffen hearing the scolding voice of their father catching them in the act of snooping.

Tydeus groaned jumping into view landing before his sire, Andromeda teleporting to his side at the same time.

"I would like to begin my three part apology with, it was Andromeda's fault." Tydeus spoke and Andy gasped at him in horror clasping her chest mockingly. 

"How could you?!"

"I am well aware who is at fault." Aegeus spoke and Andromeda dropped her head in shame. 

"Sorry Papa." She said softly and he moved forward. With a gentle hand he lifted her chin so her eyes met his. 

"You're too curious child." He said, "and innocent. For a vampire that is." 

"We have a problem." Phineus waltzed into the room the double doors banging violently against the stone. His dark hair fell to his shoulders and was held back by a leather chord and some braids. He was tall and slender as opposed to Tydeus's more muscular body type. His sharp cheekbones looked to be carved from marble casting a shadow on his face. Though the surprising thing was the amount of blood covering his form and the smell wasn't even inviting to the two youngest. If anything it repulsed them.

"How many?" Aegeus asked as Andromeda and Tydeus waited for someone to elaborate.

"Six." Phineus replied.

"Tydeus, take Andromeda to Athenodora and stay there." Aegeus commanded and he nodded to his father taking Andy's arm he began to drag her from the room.

"How many what?" She asked desperate for answers because of the fear on her Papa's face.

"Werewolves." Mathias answered for him.

He knew he shouldn't but he couldn't help it. His instincts were screaming at him to find her as the scent of burning vampires filled his lungs. Demetri stood out his body tense and on edge, whereas the other Volturi members were so calm. 

He hung back a little as his coven mates walked a little ahead of him as he searched for her, his eyes darting around the clearing. He should have known she would be at the front of the Cullen family as they came into view. It was just in her nature to place herself between those she would consider friends, and the enemy... Him.

She spotted him first.

Of course she spotted him first, and she wasn't sure if she should be glad or worried by his presence. But it seemed a few things were going to come to light today. Namely the big 'M' word.

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