Chapter 3

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After my day of work and after my workday routine – catching the bus, listening to music for 20 minutes until arrive my bus stop and walk 5 minutes until arrive home –

I'm opening my door, going to the living room and siting on the couch where I take of my purse, take off my coat and take off my shoes. Thanks Mr. Grey that will be doing extra hours at work, that let me come back home in time.

"Tired?" I heard Blue approaching me. I lay back on the couch and take a deep breath.

"Kind of..." she lays her body against the door frame and looks at me with an I-am-all-ears face "my boss was all freaked out today"

"Gorgeous and angry... what a man Christian Grey is." She says being completely ironic

"Not funny... he was all angry at me just because I entered is office without his command" I rolled my eyes.

"I think that is office is too high for his head, the hair there is not making any good to him" she's giggling, playing with the situation.

"He's my boss... I have to hear and bite my tong"

"You were never really good at biting your tongue... that's why we're friends we suffer with the same thing" I frown looking at her, what is she insinuating with that? She takes a deep breath and continues "I'm saying that you never liked to be told what to do, you never were like that, that's why you tried to get out of your mother's house as fast as you could, I'm not complaining... I like to share my house with you I'm just trying to say that if he was other person you would have already walked out on him"

"He is my boss" I say almost in a whisper

"Oh please! Stop saying that" she's a bit annoyed now

"I say it 'cause it's the truth... I can't lose this job"

"I know... I know, but have you ever tried to find another one?" I rise one of my eyebrows "I know that they will not pay you as much for a job like you have now but you could give it a try..."

"I will think about it" I say pointing my finger at her and grab my coat, purse and shoes and get up "but you know, it's Friday night and I'm needing-"

"A girls night out!"

"No" I giggle and she does a funny sad face "maybe tomorrow" she rolls her eyes with my answer "now I'm gonna change my clothes and I'm gonna run"

"At this time? It's dark already... and I thought that today was your day of cooking dinner" she and those puppy eyes...

"What would be of us if I did not knew how to cook..."

"Hey! I do some good plates!"

"Yeah, you're just a fucking lucky bitch" She does a shocked face a throws me the first pillow she sees catching my face perfectly with it and then both of us start laughing.

After a while both of us start trying to contain our laughs "really, do you want me to cook you something before I go?"

"No, it's ok... this lucky bitch will use her luck and try to cock something for dinner." She stick her tongue "wait! You'll not eat?" she frowns confused. It's true... she barely eats something at dinner but when comes to me I always have to take dinner.

"No, I'll probably will do just something for me to drink" she places her right hand on her hip "one of those green greeny drink that you hate" I say half giggling half mocking

"Those drinks are discussing" I turn my back to her and start walking to my room "Is'greeny' even a word." She laugh and I have at her not even looking at her.

PillowTalk (a Fifty Shades - Christian Grey fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now