Chapter ThirtySeven

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Hana's POV
I blink rapidly as I open my eyes, the eyeboogers making me fell disgusting, and a stream of drool goes down my cheek as onto the pillow that me and Asher share.... I squeak slightly and get up, going to the bathroom to get rid of all nastiness that I contain at the moment. I hurriedly brush my teeth, wash my face, and put my hair into a neat ponytail. Butterflies go through my stomach as I try to come up with a right way how to talk her everything. I personally believed she wouldn't come, that being why I'm not the least bit prepared for this. The bathroom door opens and Asher walks in , her hair messy around her face and still the case of sleepy face on. I look down at the inside she has unzipped to her waist, the arms of it being tied around them, making her look as if she's half monster and half human. I force my eyes to just glance at her exposed torso and stomach, though my eyes are wanting to slowly roam over her. I meet her eyes as she sits on the top part of the toilet and outs her feet on the lid." Talk. This will be your only chance."
I nod and I twine my fingers together and chew on my lip, glancing down at the ground then back up at her." Have you ever... Have you ever had something thrown at you and you didn't know how to let it pass by or how to overcome it? Like its there but you have no idea how to approach it?" She nods and I do as well." Okay, I'm going through something like that. But for a year now... It effects me a lot but yet I haven't been able to find a way to address it. But before we get to that piece of big information , I want to start of small. Yes, I dated Daniel behind everyone's back. But I never liked him in the beginning. I did it for a different reason. Jealousy. That was a very big mistake in part, I know. I started noticing how when I'd pretend to go somewhere, and cancel plans, you'd be just fine. It was like it didn't matter if I was there with you or not. I got mad, and decided to jaunt hand out with Daniel more often. Which then lead to him trying to further things, which we did obviously. He- he knew how to play my mind. How to make me angry at something that I was okay with just seconds ago, and he knew how to get me to stay stuff. Like the night you were here. If I knew his words would effect you like that, I wouldn't of said that. It was in the moment thing. I was confused and emotionally overfilled that I didn't even register what I said and what had went down, until I had to clean your butter stains. I haven't been grounded for long, but it's been living hell without you. Daniel was just someone if talk to when bored but you. Your someone I can't go an hour without talking to. I should've just listened to you. That being in a relationship just messes things up for you and your life at this age. How slowly you'll begin to change and make your world revolve around a person, until your so caught up in them that you don't see them carrying the blade that controls you. How you know everything so well, and yet didn't have to go through the confusion makes me somewhat jealous. You didn't have to feel it to learn how to avoid relationships, so you wouldn't have to ever feel that pain."
The straight line of her lips turn down slightly and she clears her throat, as she plays with the arms of her onesie. She glances downward and looks back up at me." Since you're opening up and getting things off your chest, I feel like I should do that as well. I've lied to you for a while as well. Since like eighth grade year, and maybe some freshman."She bites her lip and meets my gaze before looking down at her feet." I've never told anyone. Not even my parents....." She rubs her hands over her face and lifts her hair out of her face." I am a virgin still, and I'm perfectly fine with that. But I have had my first kiss, and I have dated someone before. It's how I know to just not try with relationships. We had dated for about six months- to a year. Maybe, I don't remember. But I had fallen for him. I was practically in love with him. Saw him like once every three days over summer break, talked to him every day. I thought we wee inseparable. He told me he loved me, and thankfully I never really said it back. I felt it though. I thought I did. Then one day. He just stopped talking to me. I began to think of what I did wrong, if there was something I did. He came back about two days later and took my first kiss. Then he began to act different. A month later I learned that he and his cousin were just having fun. I caught them talking one day. Him laughing at how he told me he loved me, and his closing laughing and telling him how he should continue it to see if he could go any farther. Then I saw the girl as well. Sitting on his lap, practically making out with his neck. I was crushed. I slowly faded away. Not really knowing what was going on around me all of freshmen year until I decided to train with my dad. Me only training for about a year was a lie as well. I've been training for like three. It was at first something to get my mind off things. To help me get out of that depression I was in. Then slowly, I went back to normal. Lifted my grades and wall even higher, and never looked back. I was a new person, someone who wasn't naive or ignorant about teenage boys. I liked the new me. I still like the new me."
I stay frozen as she looks at me unsurely and watch as she watches my every movement." Who?"
"Someone that I really hate now. And had to put up with them being around me almost all day."
"Who? Asher tell me." Anger washes over me slightly at this guy who ruined my best friend and done such a thing to her. How they have made us a more difficult thing to become. That this person was her first relationship and took her first kiss. I go in front of her and place my hands on her knees and smile inside slightly at how she's still taller than me while sitting down, yet our faces are still close together." Tell me."
She licks her bottom lip slightly and glances away from me and back into my eyes." You know him." I squint and she sighs before mumbling,"Daniel."
My muscles tense as I imagine her with Daniel. How he would word things weirdly when she was around and he'd always act differently when she was around. I imagine Asher in eighth grade going through the emotions I've been through, but much more realer and heartbreaking. Of her walking go and hearing those words. I open my arms and wrap them around her, hugging her tightly and patting her back." Asher, in so sorry. I didn't know. I wouldn't of-"
"I know. And you don't have to apologize. You didn't do it and you didn't know. Nobody does."
"That's why you tried to warn me so much.... Why you hated being around him." I'm sorry you had to go through that. Why didn't you just tell me sooner? About Daniel? I would've kept him away from you."
"Because it's a chapter of my life that I don't like. And I figure if I'm the leading character I can erase some of my chapters. I'd rather of just acted like it hadn't happened."
I nod and slide my arms up to her neck and hug her more. Shivers go through me as her arms wrap around my waist and I live the moment to the longest it can go." I understand. In fact, let's both forget him."
She places her chin on my shoulder and the shivers are replaced with heat at how close she is to me. I've never felt more alive than I am right now. All the things Daniel and I went through, nothing like this ever happened. With Asher I feel what I once believed was only in books. The butterflies and electricity that goes through you at the slightest touch of another person. At how you miss that touch even if their only millimeters away." Now what were you saying? Before all this happened?"
I bite my lip and bring my head back slightly and turn it towards her's so we can be face to face and I see see her expression." It's easier if I show you instead of tell you. For both of us."
She squints at me and I get pinned down by her blue eyes that seem to light my skin on fire with the simple memory of them looking at me. The eyes that I used to see when closing mine." Okay. Show me."
I glance away from her and gulp slightly, my neck getting warm and my palms sweaty. Just do it Hana. Your being a coward.
"You don't have a body hidden somewhere do you?" I smile and shake my head, giggling slightly and she smiles with me." Then what is it? I swear I won't over react with whatever it is."
"Promise?" My voice comes out quiet and breathy, my heart beating a like a race horse's, and my breaths coming out short and suffocated.
I nod and pause slightly before licking my lips and closing the distance I between us. My lips come down on hers, an embarrassing noise coming from me when I feel just how softer her lips are than I ever imagined. She stays in place and I looking I her eyes before closing mine and kissing her again, surer this time and taking more notice in things this time. At how her lips move easily against mine, and at how they taste like Oreos, with a little bit of sugar. I slide my arms back and place my hands in the side of her neck, my thumbs reaching the back of her ears and my fingers entangling into her hair. Let the fire go through me at the feeling of her lips against mine and the taste of her lips against mine. I sit back for a second, catching my breath and placing our lips against each other. I lick her bottom lip and tense slightly realizing I've gone into my own little world, not even paying attention to her reaction. Her lips part and I enter into her mouth and I open my eyes, then being wide as they can go when I realize she did that herself. She open her eyes and I look over her face, at the flush that are in her cheeks and how her lips are bigger and redder than usual from the kisses we just shared. My breaths come out loudly and quickly, as I stare at her face then her lips. I meet her eyes once again before closing mine and wrapping my arms around her neck, and kissing her more forcefully. Now I pay attention to how I'm not the only one moving against the other. She bites down on my lip and tugs at it slightly, sliding her tongue through the slight entrance it makes, causing our kiss to deepen. My breaths come harder, as does my heart rate. The pounding of my heart making my blood pump as if I ran a 5k, and the sound to echo inside my ears. My chest is filled with butterflies, all flying in every direction and leaving their warmth in the places that my skin touches hers. If only I had done this sooner.
How was it guys? Happy about it, sad, mad maybe? I'm not really a romantic type of person so kissing scenes aren't really my best, though I do find myself getting more comfortable with writing them. How'd I do with this kiss? Need more details? Tell me in the comments. And have I satisfied my Hasher shippers?
Question: Have you ever had your first kiss?
No. Which is rare at my school. Like I know I'm a freshman but like almost very one has already lost their V-card. Which I personally think is sad. Not that I'm saying anything bad about those people, I just think you need to wait on those kinds of things. I actually haven't dated anyone either. So I'm purely innocent right now... Yet my stories aren't...
Interesting fact: I'm known in art class as the candy girl. Why? Because like twice a week I'll bring big bags of air heads and blow pops and give them out to the class as we draw what the teacher has assigned us to. I'm just cool beans like that. That's old isn't it? Cool beans? I'm starting to use it again because my art teacher says it all the time.
So how did you guys like this chapter and do you want more like it? Also, please,please, please, ask a question for me in the comments. I'm running out and had to to sit here for like five minutes just to come up with the one for today. Also, who's your alls favorite character do far? Your favorite part of the book? And have you forgiven Hana?
So please comment, vote, and keep reading and I will see you soon beautiful people.
Theme song? And by this guys I don't mean a song that describes this chapter but a good one to read the chapter with. But for this chapter? Skyscraper by Demi Lovato. What do you ally him would be a good song for this chapter?

Undercover GangleaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora