Chapter Fifty

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Blade's POV

The sound of our breaths fill the room, sweat clinging to the both of us.I glance at the clock to see it says two twenty nine am and kiss her forehead before mumbling,"You want to stay the night?"

She nods into my chest and wraps her arms around my chest, snuggling her face into my neck as I wrap my arms around her shoulders. She trails her fingers against my skin, each hair lifting up from her touch."What are we?"

I tense slightly and look over her slowly trying to come up with an answer." Friends." She frowns, a sadness filling in her eyes and I smile before missing her lips." Lovers. Boyfriend, girlfriend. Each other's. There's a million phrases that describe what we are Izzy, you just have to figure out what you want to call it."

"You never asked me out."

I smile at her and being my lips down to her ear and whisper," Isabelle Welkins, will you be my lover? My best friend? And my girlfriend?"

"Yes." She says against my jaw and kisses it before laying her head back on my chest." I'm falling for you Blade."

"I've already fallen, broken a leg, and sang with the Angels Izzy. I think the correct phrase from me would be that I love you."


Xavier's POV

"Xavier's got a girlfriend. Xavier's got a girlfriend. Xavier and Asher sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G-"

"Shut the hell up."

"Gosh man. Don't get your boxers in a twist- oh wait they already are." Mike smirks and glances down making my scowl to deepen." No shame man. We've all been through it. Just think of an old woman, an old sagging woman. An old woman who- see it's already going away."

"It's more because I'm freaked out over the fact that you keep staring at my dick Mike. Maybe you should come out sometime soon."

"Whatever man." He grumbles and lights another cigarette." Done talking to sleeping beauty?"

"Yes, not that it's any of your business. Now let's go. I'm tired of you all in my face all the god damn time."

Someone mumbles something and I look at them all," What? Speak up."

"Because you'd rather have princess in your face."

"Yes actually I'd rather and I don't have no shame in saying that. Some of you all have the same thoughts as well. Your ignorant asses forgot that there's a walkie talkie in the car that your huddled together at. And yes, I will kick your ass Hawk if you try anything with her. And kick you out of the gang. Does everyone hear that threat clear enough? Do I need to repeat it to get it through your thick skulls?" They all nod slightly and I say," Good." Before going to my car and hopping in, noticing how Blade's gone." Where's Blade?"

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