I get it from my Dad

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"Kayden I'm-" we hear a loud crash at the front door of the pack house. We both jump at the sudden noise and Kayden puts me down on the bed while standing protectively in front of me. I hear growling and howling just outside the door then the smell of blood hits my nose. The sound of claws scraping the door makes the hair on my arms stand up. I feel Kayden's hand wrapped around my wrist, ready to pull me out of the way if necessary.

Kayden's canines emerge as we hear the door knob turn. The door cracks open and something is thrown in. I see the door quickly shut and then I hear a hissing sound. My head starts to spin and my eyes droop. I see Kayden fall to his knees. I try to get to him but I'm too tired to even move. My eyes slowly shut and my world goes black. The only thing I am conscious of is my wolf scolding me. 'How stupid are you?! You were gassed!! Why didn't you grab a freakin shirt and cover your nose and mouth?!'

I mentally roll my eyes at her words. She wasn't the one who got gassed! I then shut my wolf out and try to focus on opening my eyes. The harder I try, the more tired I get. I'm freakin unconscious and I'm getting tired!! That's messed up! I feel a pair of arms wrap around me an lift me up. Where am I going? How am I even somewhat consciousness right now?

I feel the cold wind hit my body and then warmth. I feel someone lay me down and then I hear a car engine start. So I'm kidnapped and thrown in a car... Again. Seriously?!?!

I feel myself slipping under. Wait I can't blackout now!! And my world vanishes.
'Tara! Where are you! Tara please answer me!'A voice rings in my head.

That voice sounds so-so... Wow. Wait! That's Kayden's voice!

'Kayden! What's going on! What happened?!'

'A group of rogues attacked the pack. They managed to reach the pack house. And-wait! Never mind that! Where are you? Are you hurt?'

'I'm okay, I think. I'm still semi unconscious. I haven't tried to open my eyes, honestly, I'm scared to.'

'Listen Tara, I'll be there soon, just hold on. This is really important, I need you to-"

I suddenly feel my cheek stinging. I slowly open my eyes to see what happened. I see an older man, with ragged clothes on,rubbing his hand. He slapped me! How dare he slap me!  I watch a smirk form on his face then he leans in close. His face is close enough that I can smell his rancid breath;which is not pleasant, I might add. And I notice that he wears an eye patch on his left eye. His blonde hair and scruff is peppered with white and his dark, grey eyes look...okay, let's just say, you wouldn't want to bump into him in a dark Alley.

"Well well well, looks like the little princess has decided to finally wake up." His voice is crackly as he says those words.

I release a low growl that shakes my whole body. The man steps back and gazes at me. His eyes then glaze over and three other people rush in. I try to jump out of a chair I'm in, but it's no use; my wrists and ankles are held to the chair with silver shackles. My eyes turn yellow with anger and my canines rip through my gums. I jerk against the shackles wildly, trying to get free. The three people that came in have a gun trained on me. I hear something wiz through the air and then I feel stinging on my leg. I look down to see a tranquilizer dart sticking into my leg, which makes me furious! I jerk harder at the shackles until they break open.

I stand up and run towards the person who shot me. Everyone looks beyond terrified as I grab the person who shot me and rip his head clean off. Blood spews everywhere as I rip the remaining limbs off of the corpse.
I let out a loud roar before I lunge toward the rest of them.

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