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Sorry guys! I couldn't resist this picture! I'm a LOTR fan.

Anyway....let's read!!


"Mommy!" Amberley yells.

I jump at the sudden noise and quickly start putting stuff away. Crap! As I run to the door I stub my toe on a princess horse from Amberley's Barbie set. I silently curse myself for not watching where I was going. As I'm about to leave the bathroom, I remember I forgot to grab something. I hobble back to the sink counter and grab my positive pregnancy test. I shove it in my sweatpants pocket and open the bathroom door.

I hear Amberley's feet padding toward me and a happy squeal come from the living room.

"I'm in mommy's room Amberley!" I yell.

She comes through the doorway and jumps on my unmade bed.

"I know. You were in the bafroom for a wong tieme mommy." Her toddler voice makes my heart flutter.

She's so adorable.

It's been four three years since I walked down the aisle and got married. Since then, our life has been a happily ever after. Sure we got into arguments, but we always worked it out. Amberley calls Kayden Daddy and I'm gonna make sure it stays that way. We're not gonna tell her about her real father until she's old enough to handle it. Which in my mind, she'll never be old enough.

We've kept in touch with Darius and his family. Right now, they are visiting with us. Amberley hate the twin boys because they don't let her do anything they think might hurt her. Yesterday, she was cutting some paper into a snowflake with her child safe scissors and the twins took the scissors away and cut it out for her. I knew they were just trying to be nice but Amberley didn't think so. She folded her arms and stomped to her room and slammed the door shut. I swear that child it so hot headed. Kayden says she's just like me but I beg to differ.

"Mommy. Do I have to pway wiv the boys? They never wet me do anyfing!"she pouts.

I sit down on my bed beside of her and pull her into my lap. Her bottom lip juts out and she tries to hide her mad face with her dark hair. I swipe the hair out of her eyes and tilt her chin up with my finger.

"Amberley, I know it's frustrating because they won't let you do things but you have to understand that they are just trying be nice. They don't want you to get hurt and I know it's unfair to you. What about you talk to them about it? Not with mean words, but with nice words. Okay?" I give her a smile.

She looks at me with her big blue eyes and slowly gives me a small smile back. I hug her tightly then stand up with her in my arms. For a four year old, she's pretty small. I walk into the kitchen with her on my hip and open the fridge. Do I want to cook something? No. I go to the pantry and grab a box of fruity pebbles. Amberley claps her hands and happily squeals when I put some in her spongebob bowl. I pour some in mine as well then go to the fridge again.

"Do you want milk in you fruity pebbles?" I ask as I pour the milk into my bowl.

She furiously shakes her head which makes me giggle. I put her in her chair and I sit next to her. She picks out all of the yellow pebbles because she said they taste like toothpaste. I think it's because she hates to color yellow but ya never know. I finish up my bowl quickly and wash the dishes.

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