Something worth dying for

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I'm so tired of their bickering. I latch Amberley onto my breast and let her eat. I hum the lullaby I heard Kayden sing and look at her perfect features. She stares at me with her icy blue eyes that seem to see right through my soul. I smile when she yawns.

"Are you tired sweetie?" I ask her in a baby voice.

I hear Kayden begin to yell and my heart rate picks up. He wouldn't break his promise would he? No.... I stand up and sway back and forth, trying to get Amberley to sleep but she won't while they are screaming at each other. I roll my eyes and begin to walk to the door. I'm gonna give them a piece of my mind!

Just as I'm about to reach the door, a hand covers my mouth and I'm jerked back. I stumble but gain my footing. I thrash around but didn't dare hurt Amberley while doing so. I feel another hand try to grab Amberley from my arms and my wolf tries to take over. I throw my head back as hard as I can and feel a my skull connect with someone's face.

I hear a low growl that I've never heard before. It was the most evil and feral sound I've ever heard in my life. I thrash around and to get out of his grasp. I run to the door but the man grabs me by the hair. I try to scream but the only thing I can get out is an airy whimper. I look for something to fight back with but the only thing I saw was a clock... Wait! I had an idea! I grab the clock and throw it into the tv, making it fall to the floor with a loud crash.

I then manage to get out a bloodcurdling  scream. Amberley is snatched out of my arms and begin to panic. Before I could turn around I feel a cold metal slash against my throat. Warm blood gushes out of my gash and I start choking on my own blood. I start gurgling on my blood and I fall to my knees. I try to call out Kayden's name but it just come out in a bloody gurgle. Before I know it, I'm laying on the floor choking on my own blood.

The last thing I see is the door burst open and someone screams. My eyes close and my gurgling stops. My chest stops rising and my skin goes pale.


Kayden's POV

This can't be happening!! My mate's throat is slit and my baby girl is in another man's arms! I see her eyes grow wide and her chest stop rising. A mournful wail escapes me and I fall to my knees. No! No! No! No! No! My mate isn't dead! She can't be dead! I just got her back! I see her eyes slowly close as she exhales her last breath.

I stare at the man who killed my only reason to live and snarl. He snarls right back and his hold on Amberley tightens. The only thing I have left of Tara is in this monster's arms, and I'm getting her back! I weakly stand up and wipe my tears away. He's gonna die! I begin to pounce him but I then remember Amberley. I release a frustrated breath and step back.

"Are you too much of a chicken fight me without the protection of a newborn in your arms?!" I snarl.

"No, I'm smart enough to fight you with a newborn in my arms. I haven't lived for 2000 years by being stupid boy."the man says.

Did he just say 2000 years? Is he a....oh crap! I growl and my wolf begins to take over. I hold it back and strain to speak.

"Please give me my daughter back. She's the only thing I have left. Please, I'll do anything." I beg.

The man laughs coldly at my attempts to get her back and he points to Amberley.

"I would do anything to have her in my arms, and I did do anything and everything. Heck, I even killed my own daughter to have my granddaughter in my arms." He laughs.

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