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24 September 1511
The day didn't begin very well.
At least, not for Sophia.
Sure, the whole palace was up at 4am to prepare for the wedding and everyone in the whole country was excited for the new Queen, but that does not even remotely help the fact that Mary spilt Sophia's breakfast-in-bed on her.
"Oh I'm so sorry! I'll go fetch a cloth!"cried Mary frantically, dashing out of the room.
Sophia sat up in bed, and pulled a bit of meat out of her hair sadly. This was not a good start to the day.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
"Don—" began Sophia but the door swung open and a parade of maids rushed in and started cleaning Sophia up. She sighed, letting her hands be washed in a basin by a little maid without noticing.

After things had calmed down a little and Sophia had eaten her breakfast...

"I am very sorry, Miss,"said Mary, fetching Sophia's corset.
"Don't fret, Mary. Betty washed my hair and I am fine." Sophia lifted up her arms as Mary put the corset around her torso and laced it up tightly at the back. Mary still seemed a little intimidated later when she returned from the wardrobe with the wedding dress.
Sophia studied it hopefully. It was satin, she thought, with gold trimming and long flowing skirts. Mary fiddled with the back for a moment or two, then helped Sophia into it and tied the ribbon at the back.
"Most beautiful, Miss,"she said timidly, "I do love preparing people for weddings. The last time I did it was for Lady Margaret, His Majesty's sister. Sophia attempted to look in the mirror, but Mary shook her head.
"No, Miss, if you please. Wait until I am done." And so Sophia did (though it felt like forever). Mary washed her face and made it up, then did her hair in an elaborate chignon adding jewels on top too. Then, she had earrings and a necklace and a bracelet and her shoes, and by the time Mary had finished, Sophia was quite exhausted.
"Now, you may look in the mirror, Miss,"said Mary, with a touch of pride in her voice. Sophia did as she was told and stepped in front of the mirror.
The girl gazing back at her could not be her.
She had an unusually long neck and painted face that seemed completely flawless, red lips that were like folded rose petals, and pearl earrings dangling from her ear lobes. The dress was long and flowing, definitely satin, and the smooth, clingy bodice emphasised Sophia's tiny waist and long legs. Her hair no longer was littered with meat, but braided into a bun at the back studded with jewels and a crown of white flowers sat on her head.
Yet this girl had her grey eyes and petite nose, and her mouth was opened like a big round 'O'. It had to be her.
"You must be very careful with the earrings, Miss,"said Mary, smiling, "if you whip your head around too fast, they might fly to the ground and smash. And so might the necklace, and the bracelet too of course, and be careful with the flowers. They are pretty, aren't they? Oh I'm sorry, Miss, I'm rambling again."
Yes you are,"said Sophia, "but don't worry. I'm in too good a mood to mind."
"Thank goodness for that,"said Mary and, dropping a curtesy, wondered off.
Sophia smiled at herself in the mirror, and made her way down to the throne room where everyone was waiting for her. The room was draped in white and gold, and crowds of people stood around chatting and drinking, rejoicing that the King would be married.
Sophia laughed, and moved on to the church where she was to be married, and entered the aisle.
The King stood at the altar with the priest, and rows of guests sat on either side. She gulped, and strode up the aisle with her head held high. When she reached the altar, Sophia took Henry's hand and curtsied slightly. The King grinned at her and Sophia glowed with happiness.

After the marriage...

The King of England and his bride walked into the throne room, to cheering and applause, and took their seats on the thrones. Presently, the room fell silent and Henry stood up to speak.
"I am here on this day to present to you my Queen of England. When Sophia entered court, I thought her strong-willed and inspirational too, though stubborn. I still do." The crowd laughed. "But I have grown to love that side of her, so different from the quiet, obedient girl she can be at times. I love that side of her too. She has given me great joy, and I hope she will give my people it too. I find myself very fortunate that I found such a jewel of beauty that loves me so perfectly and honestly. To Queen Sophia!"
"To Queen Sophia!"echoed the crowds
Sophia let out a small sigh of relief. She was beginning to grow tired, and she had spent most of the king's speech gazing intently at Louisa, who was scowling. Dancing begun, and of course the King and Queen danced together, and after a lot of pleading from Sophia, Henry reluctantly asked Louisa for a dance.

A few hours later...

"I'm so exhausted!"cried Sophia to Louisa. The King was dancing in the crowd and the whole room was still alight and hyper, despite the late hour. The music carried on, becoming a droning noise in Sophia's ears as the day drew to a close, but the celebrations continued without showing any signs of finishing any time soon.
Louisa grinned slightly drunkenly, and Sophia (who had not had more than a single glass of wine) could smell the putrid smell of drunkenness on her sister's harsh breath.
"I know! Come on let's get out of here! I-hic-want to tell you something!" Sophia nodded and followed her sister through the dancing partners, past the King, past Sophia's parents and outside the ballroom into the candlelit hall outside.
"So, what was it you wished to tell me?"asked Sophia, smoothing out her dress.
"I wanted to-hic-I wanted to... I wanted to say that Mother-hic-has found me a husband. He is the son of Father's best friend's brother. Or is it-hic-Father's son's best friend?"
"Oh Louisa, I'm so happy for you! Tell me about him"
Louisa thought a moment or two, and in that lapse of time she seemed to grow sober.
"He is the Earl of Something-or-Other, I can't remember... How old was he? Oh yes, 27! Wait..."
Sophia prayed that her sister would not complain...
"That's ancient!" Too late.
This was going to be hard.
"No, it's not, Louisa! I hope you have a wonderful marriage and raise lots of fine children and—"
"Oh do stop babbling! Listen! It's an 8-year age-gap, for goodness sakes!"interjected Louisa, grabbing Sophia's shoulders and shaking them vigorously. "How am I to marry someone 8 years my senior?"
"Don't worry,"soothed Sophia, "he's bound to be nice."
"I thought you understood me, Sophia? Guess I was wrong. But I suppose it was stupid of me to take the advice of a selfish whore who probably slept with the King weeks ago and is probably with child!"
Sophia's eyes flared and she could see nothing but fire.
"Don't you dare speak to me like that, Louisa! I may be your 'quiet, obedient little sister' who did everything for you when we were young and tried to be docile when you raged at me like a bitch but I am also the Queen of England!" Sophia was about to turn on her heels and rejoin the ball but Louisa held her arms firmly.
And within the moment, she had slapped Sophia as hard as she could on the right cheek.
" Not even the Queen of England can speak to me like that,"she snarled quietly, and Sophia looked at her sister with contempt in her eyes like fireflies.
She held her cheek, which was growing red swiftly.
"Louisa, I—" but before long, the King had burst out of the ballroom doors and cried to his guards: "seize her!"
Both Sophia and Louisa let out a whimper, Sophia out of pain, but Louisa out of embarrassment.
The King had been watching the entire time.

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