To be a Queen...

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28 September 1511

Sophia was to wear purple on her coronation day, and she didn't like it.
Henry had told her that purple is a regal colour and suited her perfectly, but Sophia thought she looked like a grape.
She decided not to complain though, and stayed silent as Betty curled her hair and put on her dress and added jewellery. She missed Mary's light touch and talent for doing hair, but Betty was only young and new to being a lady's maid, so Sophia kept quiet.
As she walked slowly down to the church, composed and calm, with her handmaidens behind her wearing yellow dresses and veils, and as she entered, everyone stood in their pews.

At the far end stood Henry, wearing purple and gold like her, though he looked much more regal and proud then she felt. Sophia took a deep breath and strode down the aisle slowly, feeling the eyes of the guests burning into her, until she reached the King. Her handmaidens trailed off to the side as Henry faced Sophia.

He picked up an elaborate crown from a velvet cushion placed next to him and put it on Sophia's head, and wrapped a velvet clock trimmed with fur around her shoulders. The priest uttered some things in a strange language, and Sophia daydreamed for a while.

What will I do as Queen? What will people think of me? Will they think I cheated Louisa out of a role? Or will they think me kindly and caring? I want to be a good Queen, both to my husband and my people. Will I give him the son he desires? What will he do if I give him a daughter? Girls are needed in this world, and men cannot always wish for sons. I hope I am not barren—that would be a horrific tragedy. Henry might run off with Anna Talbot! I must make sure that does not happen at all costs. I hope for a large family, with sons and daughters, happy until our dying day.
But what if he turns against me? And marries a clueless child? I could not bare it! I love him more then anything else in this world, even through his harsh treatment at the beginning! I want nothing more then to make him happy.

But Sophia was brought back down to earth by the crowd chanting 'God save the Queen!' and the King taking her hand, turning to face the audience, showered with applause. She had a few anxieties, yes. But those were distant memories, swept away by the wind like dust. Sophia had everything she wanted right next to her, and the new Queen couldn't be happier.

That night...

"I think today went well,"said Henry, climbing into Sophia's bed.
"Hardly! I spent most of the service thinking how dull it was! I didn't find it interesting at all!"
The King laughed, putting his arm around Sophia and kissing her forehead. "I didn't expect you to. But not to worry. Now you are my official Queen, we can do anything we please..." He trailed off, and Sophia could see a mischievous look in his eyes.
"Indeed we can,"she agreed and kissed him contently, smiling to herself. Henry wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her close to him.
"Tell me you love me!"he demanded, kissing her neck.
"I love you,"replied Sophia and wrapped her legs around his waist. She fell asleep in his arms.

13 January 1512
Sophia and Henry, King and Queen of England, bonded a considerable amount over horse-riding. There was nothing the pair loved more than riding out in the forests and palace grounds together in the cold sunlight. Christmas had passed without fail and though Henry was slightly disturbed by rebels in Calais, he tried to blot it out when he was alone with Sophia. With her, he felt free.
With her, he could be anything. He didn't have to be the King when it was the two of them. He could be a normal husband loving his wife.

One blustery January morning, he and Sophia were ready to go riding together. The servants had brought the horses out and Sophia had wrapped herself up to keep warm. Henry had suggested she stay behind, but Sophia wouldn't miss their rides together for the world.

Henry was just about to step onto his horse from the platform when he noticed that Sophia was packing something into her horse's saddle bag. He got down from the platform and looked over her shoulder.
His wife was packing apples into her saddle bag. Pears too. But mostly apples.
What was going on?
He slithered his arms around her waist and whispered in her ear "what's with the apples?"
Sophia started and turned around incredibly fast.
"Why are you packing apples into your saddlebag, pray? If you are hungry, I shall ask the servants to send some meat for us."
Sophia suddenly looked rather mysterious, as she twisted a ringlet of fair around her little finger.
"I have been craving apples a lot recently. Pears too, but mostly apples." She raised her eyebrows, smiling, and was about to climb onto her horse when Henry grabbed her arm.

"Look at me,"he said quietly, pulling Sophia up to his chest. She did, her eyes filled with the air if someone who knew they had a secret the other person wanted to know and that they had power over them. He stared at her for a minute, then looked her up and down.
"I think you're with child,"he stated bluntly, letting go of her arms as if this was a stupid theory and turning away. He didn't see the warm smile on her face as she leaned to the fountain, he didn't see her swollen belly revealed under the furs. He only heard:
"I am."

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