Wandering Love

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3 January 1518
Diana found herself longing to be in the King's bed every night, and longing to dominate his body like no other. She was determined to keep him from taking a mistress, possessively so. Her heart still belonged to Thomas Cromwell, but that small romantic feeling buried in her heart wanted her to intoxicate the King with lust and desire. It told her to weave a strong web around him, to keep him trapped in his desire for her and her only.
"Should you like it if I ride you again, Your Majesty?"she asked playfully, stroking his hard chest half-hidden by the bed-sheets.
"Should you like it if I had you again, Mistress Diana?"he replied, stroking her black curls with one hand.
"I am not 'Mistress' Diana anymore, Henry, I am 'Queen' Diana now,"she said seriously, and laughed merrily. The King chuckled. He gazed at her thoughtfully, using his free hand to feel her rounded breasts.
"Do you think that you are with child yet, Queen Diana?"he asked.
"Should you like it?"she said, her tone as daring as any whore. "I could be carrying your son—but I would waste my hot bed because you would take a whore and sleep in her bed." Diana said it lightly enough, but it was hard to hide the sound of someone recounting their worst fears.
"You must be careful of your sharp tongue, my love, or some might name you as a whore,"he reminded her, and Diana lay grudgingly against the smooth muscles of his arms.

14 January 1511
When Diana noticed the gaps in her courses, she at once summoned a physician. He questioned her about the usual things: tenderness of the breasts, gaps between courses, and nausea. Diana, her fears confirmed, resorted to telling her husband as soon as possible so that he would not grow bored of her 'infertility'. Or start looking at other ladies at court.
"Henry,"she whispered that evening, "I need to tell you something."
"Mm?"he said distractedly, watching Leia Westover dancing with the other girls.
"It's important,"she added impatiently, tapping his arm.
"I'm listening,"he said, but his eyes still followed Leia Westover.
"Henry! I think I'm with child." The King froze, and turned to her as if something was wrong.
"Truly?"he whispered, putting his hand on hers. Diana nodded, smiling knowledgeably, though she knew what Henry would do. The court had suddenly gone very quiet, and Leia Westover stared at her from a seductive dance pose.
"My sweetheart,"he said softly, and brought her face to his gently with one hand. "My Queen." He kissed her lightly, and the whole court burst into cheers as they celebrated. And alone in the sea of joyous faces stood Thomas Cromwell, eyes cold with jealousy and hurt.

12 February 1518
"I hope you know what this means,"said Catherine briskly, combing her cousin's curls. Diana folded her hands over her pregnant belly and sighed.
"Yes,"she whispered, "I do, sadly."
"I never thought I would hear you sound afraid, Diana Westerly,"said Catherine.
"Cathy.... He will take a mistress, won't he?" She looked genuinely scared, and Catherine Starling widened her eyes.
"You really are frightened?"she asked in astonishment. Diana glared at her.
"My Lady, of course he will take a mistress. It's what men do. But the real problem is who he chooses."
"Why is that the problem? Any mistress is bad!"cried Diana.
"No, listen. If the mistress is someone of our blood, she can perhaps have a son as well to strengthen our claim."
Diana raised her eyebrows, and Catherine distracted herself neatly by placing a little diadem of jewels on the Queen's head.
"Maybe you are right, Cathy,"wondered Diana, "but who? We must be careful—Mary Sutherland is growing into quite a beauty, and the Westover wench is not becoming any uglier." Catherine nodded in agreement.

"And not to mention that the Cavills have brought their daughter Sorrel to court! She will meet my husband, and he will fall under her spell like any man. The Cavills are like a family of witches and warlocks." Diana stood up and smoothed her pink stomacher carefully over the curve of her belly.

"I will ask your brother,"said Catherine, and she curtsied as Diana swept out of the room.

In the ballroom, Henry sat laughing with his friends uproariously at the table, when Diana entered. The King, chuckling at a sarcastic comment made by the ever charming Sir Thomas Cavill, gazed open-mouthed at her.

His wife stood, nearly 3 months pregnant, in a pink floral dress and a matching stomacher; her eyes were distinctly green, her hair incredibly black and curly, and her skin especially white. Even Thomas Cavill stared.

"Sweetheart!"called Henry, beckoning her to the platform. His wife obeyed, and the whole circle of lustful men watched her.
"Sir Thomas Cavill here says that he has brought his wife and children to court. Should you like to meet them?"asked Henry, kissing her temple possessively with his arm around her waist. An aged women in her late 30s walked up to the group, with two children in her wake, and curtseyed precariously, and Thomas Cavill greeted her warmly.

"Your Majesty, my wife and children,"he said. The King studied the woman and the boy with indifference, nodding in their directions respectively, but the girl.... Oh, the girl.

The girl.

She was of modest height, about eighteen or so, and her elfin face betrayed clear nervousness. The eyes were cloudy and hesitant, nearly hazel, but so unlike hazel as bright blue. Her hair was hidden almost completely in a big gable hood, but some of her brown hair had escaped just in front of her ear. She was slim—almost unnaturally so, but the dress she wore accounted for that easily.
The other Cavills smiled at each other. They had provided a fresh piece of meat for the King, and that was all families needed to do to gain power at Henry VIII's court.

2 March 1518
Henry's POV
I stare in astonishment at Lady Leia as she swept by after my wife. After having her at my court for around two months, I now realise that I am attracted to her.
A lot.
Fate is incredibly thoughtful with these things, because it knows very well that she cannot touch me, and it still makes me love her. I've been feeling odd around her for a number of days now, as I always do when a pretty woman is introduced to me, but that is just a man's lust. What I feel now is love.
And I know exactly what love feels like.


She smiles at me, radiantly beautiful in the spring sun, and I find that I cannot take my eyes off her as she leaves the room. She knows perfectly well how happy I would be if she was my mistress, with my son safe and healthy in Diana's belly, but she plays me. Her smiles are like favours out of pity.
And truly, I can't take my eyes off her.
So I wait.
I wait until my wife is dozing after a hot bath for the baby, and then I go to find Leia. I need to have her in my power.
"Lady Leia!"I call, seeing her in the hall. She looks at me with surprising coolness.
"Yes, Your Majesty?"she replies calmly, dropping a long French curtesy at my feet.
"I would like to speak with you,"I say, pulling her into an empty room and shutting the door.
"What about?"she asks, so composed that I wonder what she is thinking I might do. I take a step towards her, and our faces are so close that I could kiss her easily.
"I—"my hand creeps to her chin, and I stroke it gently. Her breathing is getting faster, but not like mine. I lean in very close and whisper "you must know that I desire you with all my heart." She looks up at me, her eyes lit only slightly by surprise. I cup her chin, and Leia does not pull away.

"Your Majesty..."she whispers, casting her eyes downwards, "I am honoured. But I cannot tarnish the reputation of myself or my family. You may love me now, for perhaps a month, but after that.... I cannot throw away my chances in marriage by being your mistress."
I raise my eyebrows in shock. How can she, the most beautiful English Rose I have ever seen, resist me, the Golden Prince of Christendom? I don't understand how it is possible!
I look into her brown eyes, and I realise that there are tears cascading down her cheeks.
"Please,"I plead, pulling her waist towards me. Leia gently pushes my hand off.
"I cannot, Your Majesty."she says, tears affecting her voice.
"Please..."I whisper, wiping away her tears with one finger, "I love you."

She pulls away completely, crying so silently that I am worried.
"You know..."she replies, "there is a young girl in this castle who loves you very much. She is of noble birth, the daughter of one of the most powerful families in the country. She wishes with all her might that she could be with you, but she is scared of what the Queen might say."
"And who is this?"I ask, curious. Leia doesn't reply. She turns away, her tears dripping to the floor. I try to take her arm, and she lets me.
"Is it you?"I say, pulling her closer to me. Leia remains silent. "May I kiss your hand?"I question. She nods slowly, eyes looking anywhere but at me. I press my lips on her soft knuckles, savouring the taste of her sweet skin as much as possible.
"I must go,"she says suddenly, taking back her hand, "My Lady will be awaking soon." She starts to leave.
"Wait—"I call, trying to take her arm again, but Leia is gone. The door is shut. And I know without any doubt that I am completely in love with her.

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