Chapter 47: New Hope

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The stairs opened up to an endless sky. Her breath became little whist mists that danced in front of her face before dissipating. The temperature had further plummeted and frost covered the bumpy stone surface. Her high boots gave her secure grip as she took her place in the middle, a frown on her little face, large emerald eyes scanning the horizon.

The days were getting shorter and the colours in the sky getting more dramatic with each sunset, with deep cerulean blending into liquid gold, melting to violent orange and staining the broken clouds a rich coral.

She felt something different the moment she stepped foot onto the tower’s apex. The air was still and calm, but she thought she could feel an echo or the last hint of a voice, almost as though someone had given a great shout seconds before she came within earshot.

She spun the staff in her right hand, turning her head slowly to pinpoint the location. It was difficult; she felt as though she was just on the tips of touching something, shortly before it slipped out of her reach. The bottom of her staff hit the ground with a soft thud and she closed her eyes, aligning her energy with the Wind, as she had done daily.

Tia easily tuned out the songs about the nature and wildlife, focusing instead on the tone of the voice she thought she had heard. No; it was just out of reach. Perhaps if she had arrived a few seconds earlier, she might have just caught it. The last of the newcomer’s voice faded into the Wind, swallowed by its sweet melody.

Mommu? she Sang. Mommu, is that you?

She waited with bated breath, her heart racing. She kept her focus tethered with the ebbing and flowing of the Wind, ears tuned acutely to any delicate changes in its sound.

There was no response. She could feel the initial excitement slipping away, replaced by disappointment. Nevertheless, she tried again, Singing another tune into the air, calling for her beloved comrade.

Mommu, if you can hear this, please answer me.

The Wind swirled around her, causing her skin to sting from its coldness. Her shoulders began to drop.


The familiar voice made her jump and her heart soar. A squeal escaped from her mouth but she didn’t let her focus be compromised.

Mommu! You are alive!

Tia! The joy almost pulsated in the boy’s voice, coloured gorgeously by the Wind. She shivered with delight, a wide grin stretching from ear to ear. Oh! At last!

I am so glad! Oh, Mommu! She could barely contain herself. Where are you? What has happened to you?

I cannot say too much here. I fear somehow Mawlin has gotten hold of a spy to the Wind; they can understand our messages.

Tia felt her blood run cold. That was why they had been able to track her every movement, all from her messages to Mommu in the Wind.

Who is it? she demanded, anger flaring inside. How can they have been able to–  

Be careful of what you say, Tia. There was an unmistakeable hint of warning in her friend’s voice. I cannot stay for long. Our location is not yet… stable.


You remember our friend we left in Capital a year ago?


You are with him? Tia thought her heart would burst with joy.

Yes. We are both safe and well, but we have to keep going.

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