Chapter 56: So Much Depended on So Little

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"Do you think we can win this?"

The sandstorm was getting closer, with the Mawlinese army still hidden from sight. The air was crisp and cold, but neither of them felt the chill through the thick Gwentian clothing. Tia kept her hood down and her ears trained to nature, hearing its flow being manipulated by the enemy Windcaster. The closer the Mawlinese came and the stronger the Wind, the clearer the magic sounded. The coral-coloured orb atop her staff gleamed in the weak sunlight. Tia felt prepared, like she could make a difference, like they stood a chance.

"I believe so, Mommu," she said in a soft voice. The ground crunched with every step and the sand gave way a little as she pushed herself ahead.

"Even when the Mawlinese outnumber the troops? Even when they are better prepared than we? Even when they have greater resources than we?"

She smiled at him.

"These people have resilience. They have faith. Their will is phenomenal despite their dire circumstances. Any advantage the other Caster has over Gwent, I can dispel that when we get closer. Have faith, my friend. There is more to winning a battle than with just power."

"I would never have thought such wisdom would come from Tiamat." Tia pulled a face as Enlil came over on his carrier. Appointed by Lahar as the captain of the freed slaves, he and the other group captains were seated on animals, keeping their men updated and in check.  "I am surprised you are not throwing a tantrum, demanding we all hug and become friends with Mawlin."

"Thank you for your concern, Enlil," she shot back, flushing a little. "But even I have to face reality sometimes."

"And thank the Graces for that."

"I suppose you are aware of the plans, Enlil?" Mommu asked, scratching at his newly-cut hair. The cloak and heavy Caster's clothing fitted him well.

Enlil's jaw tightened as he nodded.

"Today, Mawlin shall meet their end. I am glad I am able to see the dawn of a new Dernexes. My only regret is that Master Anu will not be here to see it through with us."

Tia's eyes prickled.

"Grace be with him," they said in unison.

With that, Enlil returned to his men. Mommu stuck with Tia as they marched at the back of the troops, aiming straight for the sandstorm that raged ahead.


"Stay with me, Tia."

Screams, shouts and screeches of metal clashing against metal filled the air as Tia whimpered again. Mommu kept a steady grip of her hand, urging her on.

This was horrible. Despite all Lahar's training and talks, nothing could have prepared Tia for this. It was barbaric. Before her eyes, the people she had eaten with and laughed with lay dead on the ground, their crimson blood staining the sand. The people who she befriended and worked with were hacking at the Mawlinese soldiers with merciless expressions. Humans fell like leaves from a tree, left, right and centre.

Who the killers were and who the victims were, it was impossible to tell.

"No," Tia moaned, recognising the face of another fallen man. It was one of the scribes – the first one who'd approached her and welcomed her to the group. His eyes stared blankly up at the cloudy sky.

"Focus, Tia! Focus!" Mommu shouted. He sounded so far away. It was impossible to tear her eyes away from the horrible sight. Weapons clanged on weapons; screams pierced the air when the metal was met with flesh instead of more metal. Blood splashed on the ground. Dead bodies were being kicked around as though they were nothing more than discarded furniture. Waves after waves of shouting and yelling washed over her.

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