Chapter 55: Traitor

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Tia's world shattered into a million pieces around her. Her knees became weak, and would have buckled if her arms were not still cinched in Sarpanit's steely grip.

It was... Mommu?

"!" she shouted. Her voice sounded foreign; her body wasn't hers. "No! I refuse to believe you!"

The Gwentians around her began to mutter amongst themselves, but all Tia could hear were Sarpanit's last words echoing in her mind. Her brain was numb, not processing what was going on. Her hands shook as she clutched at her chestnut-coloured hair.

No... no, no, no!

Another boy rushed up, and the first messenger raced away again. This boy was freckled, with down-like hair and pink cheeks.

"Lahar!" he said, breathless.

"What is it?" The king turned to him at once.

"Nabu told me to fetch you – they've apprehended two of the leaders of the group of people."

"They attacked?" Sarpanit's tone was sharp. Tia looked up, dumb. The princess's deep blue eyes were staring at the young boy, who shook his head.

"No, they just approached us." Mommu was the traitor. He sold us all out. "They had no weapons on them." He sided with the ones who killed Master Anu. He supported the ones who killed Ki and Master Marduk. "They said they wished to talk to the king. Nabu asked for you to come immediately, Lahar."

Sarpanit frowned. Without another word, Lahar took off. His heavy leather outfit appeared to not impede his progress in the slightest; his daughter was quick at his heels. Finding the strength back in her feet, Tia lurched after them, still dazed.

Her thick boots caught on almost every step. Her heart was heavy as stone. Mommu was the traitor? It was impossible. They grew up together. She knew him better than anyone else. Mommu was sweet, dedicated, honest, and good. He could never side with the Mawlinese, particularly after they had killed so many of their people.

Our choices may conflict, but you must follow your heart. Mommu's words from time long gone echoed in her mind. She shook her head and realised that she had reached the high wooden drawbridge that overlooked the northwest of Gwent. Below them was a steep drop of sharp wooden stakes. She had never seen it in action – in fact, she had only heard about the defence fortress that was Sciennes moments before they had set off from Abaddon – and she longed to never see used.  The bridge was drawn back up. Beyond the gaps in the stone wall, Tia could see a huge group of men standing still, dressed in tattered clothing.

Those could not be Mawlin soldiers, surely? she thought incredulously, distracted.

"What is your purpose here?" Lahar's heavy tone brought her back to reality. She caught up with the Gwentian king and his advisors.

Just over the old king's shoulders, she could see sand-coloured, curly hair that was matted and dirty. She moved closer. A half-healed gash ran down one cheek. There was dirt streaked across the face which had thinned. Prominent cheekbones jutted out where the features used to be round, and the skin was more tanned. The familiar grey eyes were serious and held no trace of the usual laughter, but they lit up at the sight of her.

"You treat us with such courtesy, despite your evident mistrust," said a dry voice that was equally familiar. Tia's heart soared at the sight of her other beloved friend. Those intense, pale eyes met hers for a fleeting moment before locking on the Gwentian king again.

"Why would they be suspicious?" Mommu whispered. Sarpanit looked hostile, scrutinising them with a hardset mouth. One look at the genuine bewilderment on his open face and Tia knew for certain that he was innocent, despite what Sarpanit suspected.

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