Chapter 33: The Escape

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The snow had only gotten deeper the last couple days, making it harder to maneuver through the powder. I staggered forward and fell into my side. If I could make it through the clearing, it shouldn't be as deep in the trees. At least, I hoped.

I was dripping in sweat, and the cold was quick to blow through my fur. I was close. I just had to make it up the mountain. Climbing onto four legs, I pushed on. The sun would be coming up soon, it was only a matter of time before Jet found out I was gone. I glanced back across the valley. I was barely high enough to see over the treetops. It seemed a lot closer compared to when I made this journey before.

I took a step, and my back leg sunk. Cursing under my breath, I changed to my werewolf and army crawled out. This was ridiculous.

A howl rang through the mountains. My ears perked up. That didn't belong to Northern Ridge.

Jet was awake.

My adrenaline shot to maximum, and I stumbled across the clearing, tripping and crawling through the snow. I had to make it home, and I hoped Darius was waiting.

Making it to the trees, I dropped to all fours and ran. I felt like the faster I went, the less likely I'd have time to sink. Whether it was true or not, I forced myself to speed up. If they caught me, Titus would die. Jet would never even give me the possibility to escape again.

I leaped up through the rocks of the last incline and skidded across the top of the mountain. I was heaving for air and each breath burned my lungs. The howls grew louder. I couldn't tell how close they were because of the echo.

Scanning the area, I didn't see Darius. I don't know if I could make it back to Northern Ridge without them catching me if I didn't have his help.

With my legs shaking, I stood. I tried, though. I give it everything I had to get there.

Darting down the hillside, I followed the path Darius had taken me on over a week ago. My paws kicked up a cloud of powder behind me. The howls never stopped ringing in my ears. Darius promised if I could make it passed the border he'd be there. I'd just have to trust him to keep up his end.


They were getting closer. My legs were moving as fast as they would go, but I didn't think I could keep it up.

A flash raced by, startling me enough to make me lose my footing. My feet twisted around each other, and I toppled into the snow. I forced myself up onto my knees, feeling physically drained. A large form walked through the trees. I couldn't outrun him no matter how hard I tried it wasn't enough.

Bowing my head, I waited.


My head snapped up, and I felt like crying when I saw the red werewolf. "Darius." I clambered to feet and stumbled over to him.

He hugged me. "You did it."

"Yeah." I wiped my face. "Titus, is he?"

Darius smiled. "He still alive."

A howl sounded from nearby.

"And let's keep him that way." Grabbed my wrist, he led me into the trees. "Do you know the way back?"


"Good." He swung me around. "Then run, Aden. Get to the cave. I'll hold them off."

Nodding, I jogged backwards. "Be careful."

He scoffed at the comment. "Don't worry about me. I'm not as delicate as my brother." He gave me that obnoxious grin.

"Let's hope," I whispered, before hurrying off into the forest.

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