Almost Lost Her

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You and Shawn are brother and sister one year apart.

Shawn and Y/n don't really get alone they argue about basically everything, for a popular pair of siblings they should get alone but they don't, one thing they argue about the most is the popular girl in school Camila Cabello.

But what they didn't know was Camila had already found a liking on one of the Mendes,

Y/n Mendes was the one Camila was fond of. Camila didn't tell the siblings well because she hated how puppy sad Shawn would get when she rejected him when he asked her out and well she didn't think Y/n liked her that way.

Y/n was tired of fighting with her brother about the popular girl so one day she went up to the jet dark haired girl and kissed her luckily no one was around to see it and tell her brother,

Y/n pulled away from Camila's lips and smirked seeing the Cuban still star struck

"Earth to Camila" Y/n chuckled moving her hands from Camila's cheeks to her neck stroking her jawline

"Am I dreaming" she asked opening her eyes making you smile widely

"I don't think so because if you were then I am totally dreaming" Camila smiled gripping your waist and pulling you closer to her.

After that day you two start going on dates behind Shawn's back, Camila continued to reject Shawn, you decided on not telling Shawn because well you enjoyed seeing him get rejected.

But one day he got you so pissed off you thought on a plan that almost made you lost the one girl you were deeply in love with.

Your pov,
I was at Camila's place just to spend sometime with my girlfriend, i had her pinned against her bed and we were making out, I pulled away from her sighing happily

"Fuck, I really fucking love you" I started into her bright brown eyes that were filled with love and adore

"I really fucking love you too" I can't believe I been dating this wonderful beautiful girl for almost 5 months now but sadly Were in secret because of my idiot brother.

"How was your two months anniversary with my brother?" I smirked,

Shawn a few months ago had really pissed me off that I don't even wanna remember the day but we fought he even hit me so it was serious, so I asked Camila to fake date him to hurt his fucking feels and well it's funny

"Babe don't you think it's a enough now?" Camila asked me, in public she's out with Shawn everyone ones they are dating so their relationship is different from Camila and I,

"Ehh" I answered pulling her onto my lap Camila sighed crossing her arms

"I feel kinda guilty now, i mean it was kinda good because he stoped asking me but now I don't know I feel bad he's being really sweet, caring buying me gifts, he's--" I cut Camila off quickly

"Don't fucking tell me you're falling for my brother?" She didn't answer me and just looked down to her lap

"Camila I'm serious" I pick her head up and she just started at me with a little guilt in her eyes

"Oh my god," I mumbled pushing her away

"Y/n stop I'm not falling for Shawn okay I'm in love with you"

"This is all my fucking fault" I groan grabbing my stuff

"Y/n I'm not falling for Shawn, stop getting dressed!" She yelled pulling my hoodie way from me

"I can't believe I thought I was doing something to make myself feel better but I was actually just handing him the girl of my dreams" I added feeling really shitty about myself

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