Popular girl

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Camila Cabello one of the popular girls from my school she's literally the most loved girl in school she has this cute innocent girl image everyone loves and plus she's the sweetest girl you'll ever met, anyways as everyone else I have a huge crush on her but I would never act on it.

"Ay dickwad" I get pushed to the lockers dropping my books great, I sighed rubbing my arm picking up my books but I see another hand reaching for my notebook I look up and I literally lost my breathing,

"That's so mean, are you okay?" She handed me my book which I took in a shaky hand

"I hate bullies, I'm so sorry that happen to you" she added in a sweet voice and a breathtaking smile, I just stared at her not saying a thing,

"You're a quiet one...Y/n" how does she know my name?

"It on your book" she giggled handing me my other notebook and I bet my face was beat red, how embarrassing I said that out loud.

"Well see you around cute eyes" Camila smirked walking away, did that just happen?!
Well it's been three days and I can't stop thinking of the fact Camila called my eyes cute and she knows my name and now she smiles and waved at me when ever she sees me it's amazing,

"Stupid breaks and their stupid finals" I mumbled to myself holding my books and trying to pull my book bag up

"Freak!" Kids yelled pushing me into lockers and kicking my books no new shit!

"Fucking hell" I mumbled pulling my bag on and going to get my stuff

"Once again I could not resist helping you" I looked up seeing Camila I cracked a light smile seeing her smile grow

"Uh it's okay" I mumbled pulling my books over to my little side

"Finals week got you worried too huh" I chuckled

"Me too, I been really slacking off" Camila added looking at my books I bit my lip nodding

I piled my books up and then she gasped making me jump and almost drop my books

"Oh I'm sorry I just thought of an idea why don't we study together?"

"What?" I asked nervously why would she want the unpopular freak girl to help her ?

"You can come over my place and we could study! There will be food" she smirked and I couldn't help but be interested I mean free food come on, no one should pass on that,

"Um sure I guess" I nodded she smiled handing me my two books

"Prefect we'll start Saturday?" I nodded once again

"Great, I'll give you my number you can text me and yeah you can come over anytime" she wrote down her number on the corner of my book,

"See you soon cute eyes" she smirked handing me my notebook.
Camila's pov,
I was getting ready to go to the showers after gym class when I hear a few girls talk shit to someone,

"You don't belong in here weirdo"

"What are you anyways girl or boy?"

"You're so gross"

I walked over and see Y/n leaning against the wall just taking all those rude and disgusting things they were saying, I didn't know we had gym class together

"Hey!" I yelled and they all turned to me

"Leave her the fuck alone who are you guys to judge" they were trying to back talk me but I shut them up quickly and they left with there heads down,

Camila Cabello imagines Where stories live. Discover now